Chapter 45

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Even after Scott had first Marked Mitch, he knew that Mitch was severely insecure.

He still loved him of course, but it was just sad to him. How could someone so beautiful be so sad?

Scott remembers one day in particular, when he'd been in the shower, and Mitch knocked lightly on the door.

Scott shouted over the water. "Yeah?"

"Is it, um... Is it okay if I walk in for a few minutes to do my hair?"

"Sure thing, babe."

Mitch walked in the room carefully, shutting the door and holding his hand up to the side of his face to block his view of Scott through the glass shower door.

Scott chuckled at him, turning in the shower to rinse out his hair. "Didn't know you thought I was so hideous."

Mitch almost turned to him, but caught himself, eyes down. "Sir... I just wanted to be respectful. I actually find you very, very attractive."

"Thanks, babe. But I don't mind if you look. Don't try to avoid me, or anything. It's totally fine."

Mitch nodded, glancing at him in the mirror. "Is it okay if I use the hair dryer for a second? I know it belongs to you..."

"Sure. Mitchie, anything that's mine, is yours."

"Thank you, Sir. That's very gracious of you."

Scott didn't speak while Mitch dried his hair, as he moved on to his body wash.

When the hair dryer quieted down again, Mitch thanked Scott once more. He combed his hair a few times to keep it where he wanted it.

Scott stepped out of the shower, turning to close the shower door. "Babe, would you hand me that towel?"

Mitch stood completely frozen for a second, and then blushed as he reached to grab the towel that was nicely folded on the counter.

When he turned to hand it over, Scott was facing him without an ounce of shame.

Mitch blushed even more and offered him the towel. "Here, Sir."

"Thanks." Scott mumbled, taking it and drying himself off a little.

He hadn't thought much of the occurrence; Everyone in this house had seen him naked, including Mitch.

But later that night, he'd laid down in bed completely naked, closing his eyes without a care in the world.

Mitch sat down beside him, looking down at the mattress. "A-Alpha? Sir? Do you want... Me to help you..?"

Scott kept his eyes closed. "Help me..? With what?"

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