Chapter 99

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This is in reference to the nightmare Mitch had in chapter 94

So this is all Jamie's pack, just to reemphasize. Meaning this one won't be as happy as some of the other ones --Fair warning

Uhhh okay, I just finished writing it and there's a definite trigger warning on this. Nothing terrible actually happens, though much of it is described


Mitch was following Jamie back to his room slowly, too slowly apparently. Because Jamie turned at one point to grab his wrist and pull him along. 

Jamie closed the door behind them, giving Mitch a shove toward his bed. "It's so nice that I just so happened to run into you."

"S-Same to you, Sir..." Mitch said softly. 

Jamie opened the door to his closet, pulling out the two drawers to make Mitch aware of what they were doing. "Would you like to choose this time, Michelle?"

Mitch glanced over at the drawers, seeing the objects inside, before he looked away. "No thank you, Sir. You'll enjoy it more if you choose."

"You're right... But I already have my choice in my head. I want you to pick the second one." He grabbed Mitch by the arm. "Now." 

Mitch took a deep breath as he stared at the drawers, the lower drawer full of objects that appeared to be dipped in blood. "I... I don't know, Sir. I'm very tired... Please just let me go to bed..."

"Fine, I'll choose then." Jamie bent to grab a rope before wrapping it around Mitch's neck like a leash, pulling it tighter than he needed to.

Mitch's hands immediately shot up to pull at the rope to try and loosen it. "S-Sir, please."

"Shh. I was gonna give you a choice, but apparently you don't want it."

"I'll choose! Please, just--"

"You're late. I already know what I want. Go lay on the bed, take your clothes off."

"Sir... I'm tired..."

"If you disobey me one more time, I'll introduce you to the pair of anguish. It's in the bottom drawer, if you want to grab it."

Mitch already knew about it. Alex had told him. "No, Sir. I'm sorry. I'll go." He rushed over to the bed, stripping down as quickly as he could. 

He turned to look back at Jamie, who was grabbing some of the steel weights, as well as one of Mitch's most feared whips. Mitch jumped when Jamie tested it out, whipping the air. 

Mitch's hands were now shaking, as he slid his pants off of his bony hips. He could actually feel himself beginning to cry, even though nothing had happened yet. 

He looked down for a second, only to finish stripping himself completely bare, and Jamie suddenly ran the tails of the whip across his pale thighs, Mitch's eyes locked on it as he felt his thighs begin to shake in fear along with the rest of his body. 

Jamie suddenly grabbed him by the hips, flipping him over and pulling him to the edge of the bed so Mitch could stand on the ground. Jamie kept one hand on Mitch's back to hold him down, before he rose the whip in the air. "Count out loud. Mess up, or stutter, and we'll start back over. Understood?"

"Yes, Sir."

"How many hits would you like to take?"

Mitch hoped aiming low would give him mercy. "Ten..?"

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