Chapter 73

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I felt like maybe this would be interesting to do before Kirstie and Scott were added to the pack. Throwing it WAYYYYY back.


Kevin was in the kitchen making lunch, Alex and Travis at the dining room table.

He could tell from where he was standing that Alex was still a little hesitant around Travis.

Travis had been at the table, and he called Alex over to sit with him to go over a few of his files with him before submitting them.

Alex had bowed his head immediately, unsure why Travis wanted to speak to him. "Sir, where's Mitch?"

"Watching television with Avi. Why?"

"Am I in trouble..? I'd like him to be here if I'm in trouble, Sir. Please."

"You're not in trouble." He pulled out a chair from the table. "Take a seat, Alex."

"Sir, please... I'm afraid."

"No need to be, Pet. Sit down."

Alex did so, but when he folded his hands politely on top of the table, Travis could tell immediately that Alex was physically shaking.

Mitch walked into the room all of a sudden, going to Kevin's side. "What are you making?"

Kevin just shrugged. "Lunch. Travis' favorite."

Mitch leaned over his arm to watch what he was doing. "Oh cool. You're like... Really talented." 

Kevin looked down at him, grinning a little. "You're so sweet, thank you." 

Mitch looked down at his hands. "C-Can I help? I really like cooking."

"Gosh, I love when people help me cook! Of course you can!" 

Kevin's enthusiasm helped Mitch gain some confidence, and he smiled widely. "Really? Oh, thank you so much. I promise I'll try to be very helpful." 

Kevin held up a hand, allowing Mitch's eyes to focus on it before he placed it on Mitch's shoulder. He'd learned in the small amount of time Mitch had been around him, that he was very very jumpy, and it was best not to touch him without Mitch seeing your hand. 

Mitch then leaned into his touch, grateful for it. Kevin spoke softly to him. "Have I ever told you how adorable I think you are? Just.. Your behavior is really cute, as well as your dialogue, and who you are."

Mitch giggled, looking up at him. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. Do you know how to mince garlic?" 

"Yes, Sir. I do." 


Later in the day, Kevin was leaving to get the groceries he would need to make dinner, because he'd wanted to make something special. 

Mitch of course caught up to him, and tapped his arm lightly. "Hi." 

Kevin tucked his car keys in his pocket, and gave him a smile. "Hey. Did you need something?" 

"Just curious where you're going..?" 

"Only to the store. Should only be gone about twenty minutes..." 

Mitch looked down at his hands again. "C-Could I maybe come with you? Maybe? I can ask Alpha Travis for permission..?"

"If you would like. I'd love for you to come along." 

Mitch grinned widely, loving that Kevin wanted him to accompany him. "I can ask right now! I'll only be a second, I promise." 

"I have no problem waiting for you. Take your time." 

Mitch nodded quickly, before rushing off to find his Lead. 

Kevin grinned at him and shook his head slowly. Too cute. 

Kevin only had to wait a few minutes before Mitch came running out of the hallway to hand Kevin some money. "This is from Alpha Travis."

"Oh okay. Thanks. So you're coming with?"

"Yes please."

Kevin held the door for him. "After you."

Mitch giggled and rushed outside, excited to be going for an errand. "Can I sit in the front?"

"Sure you can. Anything you want."

Mitch hopped up into the passenger seat with a grin. "Thank you!"

When Kevin started the car, Mitch rushed to place a hand on his arm.

Kevin turned quickly. "What's wrong?"

"Don't forget your seatbelt!"

Kevin paused for a second only to smile. "Silly me. Thank you for reminding me."

Mitch pulled one of his legs onto the seat, hugging it tightly. "You're very welcome."


At the store, Kevin was reading a list of things he needed, Mitch holding his hand as he walked beside him.

Kevin stopped in front of an aisle of vegetables, scanning the options before grabbing the ones he needed.

Mitch suddenly held out his hands. "I'll hold the basket if you want."

Kevin only said yes so Mitch would feel like he had a task and wouldn't be bored.

Mitch grinned widely when he was given responsibility. "Is it gonna get heavy?"

"Probably not. I don't need to grab that much. But tell me if your arms start to get tired, okay?"

"Yes, Sir."

Mitch didn't say anything else for a while, mostly just fascinated with his surroundings.

He found too much interest in people's lives, always curious about things he didn't understand.

But at some point he stopped and tugged Kevin's sleeve. "Sir? I need to go to the bathroom."

Kevin stopped immediately, turning to face him and give his attention. "I think there's one in the back of the store. Hold my hand okay?"

Mitch quickly obeyed, smiling as Kevin led him to the specific spot in the store.

Kevin noted that the bathroom allowed him to go with Mitch, so he did.

He'd never really been in charge of protecting an Omega in public before, but he was willing to do everything he could.

Mitch went into a stall to be alone, but walked out as quickly as he could. He grinned at Kevin when he washed his hands.

Kevin glanced at him for a second. "Don't forget soap, Mitchie."

"Yes, Sir."

Mitch then dried his hands, and then did something Kevin was in awe of.

An Alpha walked into the room, and Mitch quickly bowed his head to him.

The Alpha growled at him, and Mitch whimpered in response. The Alpha growled again, and Mitch nodded as if he understood the growl like it was a word.

The Alpha then growled in a different way, more of a snarl really, as he eyed Mitch up and down. Mitch shook his head this time though, and whined quietly, keeping his eyes down.

When the Alpha moved past him to use the restroom, Kevin waved Mitch over quickly and then took him under his wing to rush him out of the bathroom.

Kevin's eyes were wide. "What was that all about?"

"He just wanted to know if I already had an Alpha, and I told him yes so he'd leave me alone." Mitch suddenly covered his mouth with his fingers. "Uh oh.. I lied to him."

"I think it's good that you protected yourself. We'll just leave it at that."

"Are you gonna tell our Alpha on me?"

Kevin frowned. "Let's just... Keep this one between us, okay?"


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