Chapter 106

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Perhaps.. After they've started dating, but BEFORE the Mark ^-^


Scott pulled open the car door, only to hold out a hand to help Kirstie step out of the car. He stayed there to help Grace step down afterward, both women wearing heels. 

Scott then adjusted his tie, glancing over to see Avi helping Mitch step out of the car as well, Mitch also wearing heels. 

As Scott followed Kirstie inside, he glanced back to be sure Mitch and Landon were okay, and then turned back around. 

Kevin was walking beside Scott, giving him a once over. "I don't recall if I mentioned this before we left the house, but you look nice in grey." 

Scott looked down at himself, as if he forgot. "Oh, thanks. Yeah, this is Mitch's favorite, so..."

"Yes, the tie color correlates nicely."

Scott nodded, running his fingertips over his light blue tie, that was almost the same icy blue color of his eyes. "Mitch picked it out for me... He's better at that than I am."

"I don't know... I've seen you in some pretty handsome outfits."

Scott smiled a little. "Yeah. I'm fairly sure Mitch picked those out too." 

Todrick suddenly walked up to Kevin. "Kev, you have the keys? I left my wallet in the car."

Kevin stopped walking immediately, taking the keys out of his pocket. "I'll keep you company." He set a hand on Scott's shoulder briefly. "Excuse me, I apologize."

Scott watched them go, and then glanced behind himself again to see Mitch walking with Landon a few feet back. 

Mitch was smiling at whatever Landon was saying, until Landon grabbed his hand to hold to get Mitch to stop walking. Landon then reached forward to adjust Mitch's fancy shirt, undoing a few more buttons to show more of Mitch's chest. 

Mitch watched him, and tilted his head a little. "Why? I thought it was cute."

"No, it totally is. But I think Dad is gonna like it if we open it up a tad."

Mitch giggled a little. "You're always lookin' out for me."

Landon nodded quickly. "Yeah, well... You always look good, so. It's not like I need to help you very often."

"Oh, that's sweet of you. Thank you." 

Landon just smiled. "Also..." He lowered his voice a little. "I can practically feel Dad staring at us right now, so I think I made the right call with the buttons."

Mitch wasn't ashamed to glanced over and check, though Scott looked away like an idiot as if Mitch hadn't looked directly at him. "Yeah, you're right. We should go, honey. I don't want Avi waiting for us." 

Scott kept his eyes on the ground, until Avi grabbed his arm. "Don't just stand in the middle of the road, dumbass."

Scott let himself be pulled to the door of the fancy restaurant they were about to walk inside. "Sorry..."

Kirstie and Grace were already standing by the door, but Kirstie turned to them when they walked up. 

Kirstie grinned, looking them both up and down slowly. "My, my... Aren't you two just the most handsome people I've ever seen?"

Avi looked at Scott, and Scott looked right back at him. Avi turned to Kirstie. "Gotta look cute to be suitable for you, Kit."

Scott nodded in agreement. "I don't know if you've noticed, but we have two pretty darn gorgeous wives. It's hard to keep up sometimes."

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