Chapter 18

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Two updates? Damn. Someone loves her readers ;) And also was bored in Chemistry but

I'm only doing the first part of this prompt (FOR NOW) So welcome back the postman. Let's call him... Jim.

I just realized that the one shot thing is SUPER nice for y'all bc you can just read the request and if you don't like it you don't have to bother reading it.

Like instead of getting 500 words in and being like omg this is shit why did I waste precious time reading this you can just READ THE PROMPT and that takes like 12 seconds and you're golden

Sorry about how scattered this all sounds I'm a sane person I swear it's just... It's 3 A.M. and I have class at 7:30 omg


Also let's just say for context that this is like... A week after the scomiche nasty on the counter with the window open y'know what I'm sayin'


Scott woke up to a loud groan on the other side of the bed. When he turned a little, Mitch was whining at him.

Mitch glanced over. "I'm still sore. What's wrong with you? How can you possibly be that big?"

"Wow." Was all Scott could say, in his hardly awake mindset.

"Are you even listening to me, Grassi-Hoying? I am in pain because of your oversized di--"

Avi suddenly pounded on the door. "Hey, get your asses out here right now!"

Scott jumped up to obey him, while Mitch casually got up from the bed.

Scott's eyes were wide as he threw the door open. "What's wrong?"

"Just curious why Jim is asking me about someone ordering a strip-o-gram and then casually fucking their brains out in my kitchen."

Mitch giggled, but Scott almost passed out at how blunt he was being.

Mitch responded, luckily. "Is he downstairs? Can I talk to him?"

"I'd prefer if you didn't."

"Okay. But can I?"

Avi raised an eyebrow, but let him pass by.

Scott watched Mitch skip down the stairs, and then looked back at Avi. "I, uh... I'm so... I don't even. Sorry."

"Sorry? For what?"

Scott looked down. "Being kinky in the kitchen."

Kirstie came out of nowhere, molding herself into Avi's side as he put an arm over her. She giggled. "Kinky in the kitchen. That's like a song title."

Scott frowned, eyes still on Avi. "Are you mad at me?"

"Not really. Unless... I'm not sure I want to know, but maybe you should just go over the basics of what happened."

Scott awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck as he avoided eye contact. "So... He was over the counter, and--"

"Mitchell was bent over the counter?" Avi clarified, purposely trying to make Scott as uncomfortable as possible.

Scott blushed intensely. "Yes, Sir... And, uh... I was behind him. And... The window was open, and the mailman walked by and saw us doing that thing. But... I didn't close the window, I just kept... Doing it."

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