Chapter 136

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Another part of 134. I got a really good idea for this but I don't think y'all are gonna like it. xD


Scott was staring at the wooden table they were seated at, now happily safe in his home. Landon was seated beside him, while Mitch was in his lap, so Scott could hold a bag of ice against Mitch's black eye.

Avi and Kevin were speaking quietly, as Todrick wrapped Grace's wounded arm, while Kirstie watched Todrick do so like the concerned mother that she is.

Travis was sitting beside Scott, just listening to Jake and Alex without saying anything.

Scott suddenly spoke up for the first time since he'd been home. "It was too easy."

Kevin looked over at him immediately. "What's that?"

"It was way too easy." Scott repeated.

Avi hummed. "Yeah... I guess it was. But that's a good thing right?"

Travis spoke too. "I don't think so."

Avi looked to Kevin. "I was just trying to be optimistic."

Kevin glanced over at Travis. "Maybe it'd be best for you guys to stick around for a while. Until we know what's going on."

Travis glanced over his pack. "Is that alright, guys?"

Alex nodded quickly, grabbing onto Jake's arm. "Yes, Sir. I feel safe here."

Avi first changed his voice to speak to Mitch. "How you doin' Tiny?"

Mitch leaned against Scott's chest, the ice being held to his eye actually helping. "I'm fine. I just... Want them to leave me alone. I'm so tired of them being around. And now they're attacking my baby... My family." He closed his eyes for a moment. "And my eye hurts."


The next morning, Avi woke up to the sound of a loud bang in the house. He sat up immediately, grabbing Kirstie's arm. "Hey... Kit?"

Kirstie blinked a few times at him. "Hmm?"

"Did you..?" Avi tilted his head a little. "Something's wrong." He could practically feel it.

Kirstie immediately sat up in bed. "I need to get Grace."

Avi nodded in agreement, standing up to go with her just in case. He kept her behind his back as they walked down the hall, knocking and then opening Grace's door. Landon was in there as well, both of them awake, and probably having heard the same noise.

Avi looked directly at Grace. "I want you all to go next door into the room with Travis. Now." He didn't wait for a response, as he walked out of the room, slowly heading up the stairs.

He didn't even get all the way up the staircase, before Scott was practically knocking him over on the way down. "Avi get your ass in the car right the fuck now."

Avi got out of his way as he rushed down the stairs. "What the--?"

"They were in our fucking house. They were in the goddamn house, Avi. Get in the fucking car."

"What the Hell is your plan here?"

"I don't know, and I don't care. They've got my baby, and--"

"They took Mitchell?!"

Scott threw open the front door. "Are you coming or not? I'm not opposed to the idea of going by myself."

"Get your ass back over here. You are not going by yourself."

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