Chapter 128

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Not a dumb idea at all bbg. Let's party y'all  (obviously he won't actually drown bc I love him too much)

Let's just say they're out camping or something bc they're such a family. BEFORE the kids are born :*


Kirstie finally convinced Mitch to go outside in a swim suit after about ten minutes of him complaining about it. 

Kevin and Todrick were out sitting on the beach chairs, Todrick having turned his body completely to tell Kevin a very animated story. 

Scott was just standing at the shoreline waiting for Mitch, but suddenly Avi shoved him from behind and almost knocked him over into the water. This resulted in Scott turning around and grabbing Avi around the waist just to haul him over Scott's shoulder. 

Scott walked into the water a little, Avi kicking and pushing on him to be let go, until Scott threatened to toss him into the cold water. "Oh, so it's not as funny now, huh? Weird."

Avi clung tightly to Scott's shoulders. "You'd better fucking not, kid, I'll leave your ass here."

"Kevin would never let you do that."

"Can't blame a guy for trying."

"Okay, I'll put you down safely onto the beach if you do one thing for me."

Avi paused to think about it. "I will not shave my beard."

"No, that's not--"

"I will not film your sex tape."

Scott laughed loudly. "Avi, I--"

"I will not buy you an arctic fox."

"It would be so cute!"

"I will not--" 

"Avi, just shut the fuck up!" Scott laughed again, before speaking. "You have to give me the bigger air mattress tonight."

"Oh Hell no. Kirstie loves that thing."

"But I'm so much bigger than anyone else here! I bet if we asked Kirstie, she'd give it to me."

"You know what? Fine."

Scott nodded once, and then turned to walk back over to the shore, bending a little to set Avi safely back on his feet. 

As soon as he did, Avi smacked his chest. "Fuck you."

Scott only smiled at him. "Now we're even." He chuckled a little. "Why on earth would I ask you to shave your beard?"

Kirstie suddenly walked over to them, Mitch holding onto her arm with both of his hands as he hid himself behind her, head down with a fierce blush on his cheeks. 

Kirstie grinned at them. "So you guys are already having fun, I see."

Avi hummed. "Fun isn't really the word I would use."

Scott accidentally bumped Avi as he walked over to see Mitch. Scott smiled widely at him, Kirstie and Avi continuing to talk, as Scott reached out to take both of Mitch's hands in his own. "Hi, honey."

Mitch glanced up for as long as he could force himself to. "H-Hi."

"You look so cute! I wish I could pull off swim trunks that well."

Mitch giggled a little, face still bright red. "I think you look nice too."

Scott moved forward to kiss Mitch's cheek. "You really do look great, babe. Your stomach is so flat, I'm so so jealous."

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