Chapter XX

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Scott pulled away from the kiss only to see Mitch's incredibly swollen lips, and he smiled.

Scott smiled back, though he didn't know why. "What are you all excited about?"

"What do you think?"

Scott chuckled at him, and then nodded a few times. "Understandable. Let me just get the ball rollin' here, then." And his hand quickly shot out to wrap around Mitch's length.

Mitch's breath hitched, and one of his hands grabbed Scott's upper arm out of shock. "Jesus, warn a guy, would you?"

"I'm pretty sure I did." Scott moved himself down a little lower. "Warning." And then he replaced his hand with his mouth.

Mitch threw his head back immediately and he moaned loudly. "S-Scottie--" Another moan. "Holy--"

Scott took a deep breath, before lowering himself as far down as he could, nose touching Mitch's soft skin.

Mitch moved his neck to look down at Scott, not wanting to miss the sight of him, but when he and Scott made eye contact he moaned again, even louder.

Scott pulled off of him briefly so that he could smile without worrying. "Take it easy on those vocal chords, would you?"

"I can't help it when you do--" His breath hitched when Scott did the same thing, pressing his nose into Mitch's skin, as Mitch's length touched the back of his throat. "Do that!"

Scott, curiously, tried to take him further, nose pushing Mitch even more, until he finally gagged and pulled off with a shake of his head. He then clambered off of the bed to dig around in his bag for some lube.

Mitch was still slightly dazed at what he'd just witnessed, and he stared blatantly at Scott's body as he walked back over to the bed.

Mitch reached a hand toward Scott, hand open to take the bottle from him. But Scott shook his head once, and then climbed back onto the bed to kneel between Mitch's legs once more.

Scott wasted no time lubing up a few of his fingers, before slipping one inside of Mitch without much of a warning.

Mitch's breathing intensified, as he watched how Scott reacted to what he was doing. He opened his mouth to say something about it, but instead moaned, and ended up slapping a hand over his own mouth.

Scott shook his head once, bringing his second hand up to pull Mitch's hand from his mouth. "Don't hold back on me now, babe."

And he didn't. Mitch let out every single moan that forced it's way up his throat, just to see Scott's smirk grow each time.

When Scott was satisfied with how stretched Mitch was, having gone to three fingers, he pulled his hand away. "Feel good, Mitchie?"

Mitch nodded wildly, almost as if he wasn't aware of what he was doing. "Babies. Scottie, please."

Scott nodded, turning to toss the lube into the same pile of random in the corner of the room, before he met Mitch's eyes only to then drop them to his body. "You're absolutely breathtaking like this, Mitch."

Mitch felt completely vulnerable under his eyes, and he blushed a little, eyes lightening almost immediately. "Thank you."

Scott leaned down to kiss him again, but suddenly gasped, and moved away. "Wait, I forgot something."

"No condom, remember?" Mitch sat up on his elbows quickly. "Unless you've changed your mind?"

"Absolutely not. You'll be filled with my pups any moment now, babe." Scott assured, patting Mitch's stomach with his hand a few times.

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