Chapter 92

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Aaaaand part two of yesterday. You want a fluffy new years chapter HERE IT IS xD

Hope y'all are having a WONDERFUL 2017 :*

ALSO today is the day I wanted to start my Timer themed book, so. Look out for that in a few minutes :*


Scott gave his dad a third shove toward the door. "What exactly would make you think that's okay?!"

"I never said it was okay!"

"Well you were okay enough with it to actually do it! I can't fucking believe you."

"Scott, he's not good for you."

"Just because he's a male Omega? Are you kidding me?"

"Would you please stop shouting? Your mother is upstairs trying to sleep."

"You know who else is upstairs? My son. My son, that my gorgeous male Omega gave me."

"There's a reason they have to get surgery for that, Scott. It's not normal."

"He didn't need surgery! He was Ranked an eight the moment he graduated. Tell me how that isn't normal."

Rick looked away from him. "I just worry about you. That's all."

"That's a load of shit. You're not worried; You're fucking jealous. Must've been hard for you to attack him like that and have him push you away. I'm sure it was difficult for your ego to handle."

"First of all, I did not attack him. Second--"

"What?! Are you kidding me?!" Scott took a step closer to him, eyes darkening without his knowledge. "He was in hysterics he was so afraid of what you were about to do! You had his arms pinned, and were in the middle of stripping him down completely when I walked in!"

"But that doesn't mean I was attacking him! I was just showing you how easy they are to manipulate!"

"It doesn't matter!" Scott took a deep breath, before speaking calmly. "He and I have been married almost eight years, and I love him more than anything in the world. You don't get to control everything I do anymore."

"I wasn't trying to. I just wanted you to see--"

"Alphas were built to overpower their Omegas. That's how the hierarchy works. Nature gave you and I more strength than him. Which means it's nothing special for you to be able to overpower him, the way you just did. It means nothing."

"It means he's weak, and--"

"No it fucking doesn't!"

"Stop shouting at me, Scott Richard! I'm serious!"

"What, are you kidding? What are you gonna do about it?"

Rick walked forward to shove him. "I'll fucking show you if you want me to."

"Please do. Been a long time since I kicked somebody's ass."

Rick had just begun to swing when Connie rushed down the stairs.

Her eyes were wide as she looked in between them. "What on Earth is going on here?"

Scott was quick to turn to her. "Your husband just tried to--"

"Shut the fuck up, Hoying." His dad snapped at him.

"That's Grassi-Hoying to you, you old perverted bast--"

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