Chapter 105

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Avi knocked on the door to the two Omegas' bedroom. "Alexander? Mitchell?" 

Alex opened the door, hiding most of his body in a blanket. "Yes, Sir?"

"We were all gonna watch a movie, and... I was wondering if you guys would want to watch with us?"

Alex smiled widely at him. "I would love to! C-Can I ask Mitchie really quick?"

"Sure. Take your time."

Alex turned around and rushed into the room toward the bed, out of Avi's line of sight. "Mitchie, will you please please come watch a movie with us?"

Mitch was quiet for a second, and then he spoke up softly. "What m-movie?"

"Does it matter? A movie, Mitchie! They're gonna let us watch a movie!"

Mitch nodded slowly. "C-Can I, um... Can I wear one of your sweaters, Allie?"

Alex grinned even wider. "Sure you can. You can just dig through my closet if you want." He turned quickly to turn his smile to Avi. "We're good to go!"

Avi nodded once. "We'll wait for you. Come on out whenever." And then he backed up to walk out of the doorway. 

Mitch slipped on a large, grey sweater. "I like this one... Can I wear it?"

"You can wear anything you want. Do you want some sweats, or..?"

"Do I need them?" Mitch looked down at himself. "I mean, I have shorts on... Maybe they're too short..."

Alex could see the uncertainty in an instant, and he grabbed Mitch's hand to get his attention. "No, you know what? I think you look great!"

Mitch shook his head a little. "I don't know... Maybe I shouldn't."

"No, come on. You look so, so good, honey. I'm serious." 

Mitch looked down at his legs again. "Really? You think so?"

"Mhmm. I really do. Will you pretty please sit next to me?"


Alex was the first to fall asleep, after watching a movie and a half. Mitch was directly beside him, under his arm. Mitch could only tell because Alex suddenly let his arm fall down to Mitch's waist, as he rested his head on Mitch's shoulder. 

Travis glanced over at him quickly. "Oops."

Avi leaned past him to see, and Kevin stood from the couch, turning to speak to Travis. "Sir, it is getting kind of late. Maybe we should let the Omegas get some sleep."

Mitch gently pushed on Alex's stomach a few times. "Hey, Allie? Babe, get up."

Alex flinched, sitting up quickly. "I'm awake. I'm up, I'm sorry." As he flinched, his leg jolted the bowl of popcorn sitting on himself and Travis. The popcorn ended up spilling onto the floor, and Alex nearly had a heart attack as he jumped off of the couch with a gasp. 

Travis chuckled at first. "Well, there you go."

Alex turned to him immediately. "Shoot, I'm so sorry! I-I'll clean it up right away, I'm so sorry! Please don't be mad, please don't p-punish--" 

Mitch jumped up too, grabbing both of his arms. "Allie, stop! Honey, please-- You gotta breathe."

Alex shook his head quickly, stumbling over himself to drop to the ground and begin putting the popcorn back in the bowl. "I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry." 

Travis was the first to move forward on the couch, putting his hand on Alex's shoulder. "Hey, it's--"

"No, please!" Alex flinched back, eyes suddenly full of tears. "I'll hurry! I promise!"

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