Chapter 81

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Might have to reread that chappy-- it's the one with Kevin being hurt at the grocery store:(


In the car after the occurrence, Mitch offered Kevin some ice cream, though he politely declined. 

Scott put his arm over Kevin's shoulders and pulled him into his side. "Kev, please stop being sad... You're breaking my heart. Does your face hurt at all? Because honestly, even just holding that ice cream against your cheek might help." 

"No thank you. I'm okay, guys. Really. I just... Need a moment to process, I suppose."

Avi shook his head slowly, eyes on the road. "I'm so sorry, Kev... I shouldn't have turned my back on you... I just assumed you'd be right behind me, and it wouldn't be a problem." 

"This is nowhere near your fault, Alpha. Don't even worry." 

Avi shook his head again, slower this time. "I was right there. If I'd just turned around a second later, I'd have been able to anticipate what he was doing." 

"Please stop that... It's not your fault." Kevin leaned into Scott's side a little, gratefully accepting the comfort he found there. "It's nobodies' fault, really."

Scott instinctively kissed his temple, his inner Alpha physically hurting because he wasn't doing enough to make Kevin feel better. "I just wanna see you smile again Kevin. I really do. I'm so sorry you got hurt."

Kevin only shrugged this time in response, leaning on Scott as much as he could. 

Mitch's arms were crossed over his chest. "I wish I'd been there. I'd have smacked him."

Kevin hummed. "Much appreciated." And then he was entirely quiet until they'd gotten home.

Avi did his best to keep the surrounding Pack members away from Kevin, wanting Todrick to take care of it since Kevin obviously didn't want to make a big deal out of it. 

Todrick walked out of the kitchen to get the gluten free pasta from him, which as a sidenote is how this entire mess started. 

Todrick grinned at Kevin, but immediately his smile fell at the state Kevin was in. "Oh my-- Kev, baby, what happened to you?" 

Kevin instantly hugged him tightly. "Hi." 

Todrick couldn't push him away, no matter how hard he tried, Kevin being the teddy bear that he is. "Baby, talk to me. What happened? Did someone do this to you?" 

"Mhmm... It hurts really bad, Tod..." 

"Oh Sweetheart, I'm sure it does. Let's get some ice on it okay? And then you're going to tell me what happened, so I know whom to send a very angry but flawlessly worded letter to, after you've notarized it of course." 

Kevin let out a small chuckle, and just the sound of it made Avi smile even though he was in the other room. 

Here, they'd been trying to get Kevin to smile for the past ten minutes in the car. But Todrick's somehow made him laugh within the two minutes they've been in each others' presence. 

Kevin grabbed Todrick's hand once. "Can we... Talk about it in our room? I don't want the Omegas to hear..."

"Anything you want, Boffin." 

Kevin grinned immediately. "Each and every day you impress me with your impeccable vocabulary." 

Todrick just shrugged, grabbing an ice pack out of the freezer. "I haven't read the dictionary, like you have. And I know for a fact that you're more intelligent than I. So... If you're impressed by little old me, you need to self reflect." 

"Can't I just compliment you without you turning it around on--?" 


Kevin hissed when Todrick placed the ice pack on his face. "Hey, that hurts." 

"Yeah I know, you big baby. But it's good for you, and you know it. So.. You want to go upstairs?" 

"I'll meet you up there. But you should tell Alex to cook Mitch's pasta while we're gone."


Kevin was now laying on the bed, Todrick sitting beside him Indian style as he held the ice against Kevin's face. "Talk to me, honey..." 

Kevin kept his eyes glued to the ceiling. "It's not, like... A big deal. Just... I accidentally sassed an Alpha today in the store, and he hit me." 

"An Alpha? An Alpha hit you?" 

"That's correct." 

"Where were Scott and Avi?" 

"Scott was paying for our food, and Avi was trying to pull me away from the situation, but... He hit me when Avi turned his back."

Todrick ran his fingertips up and down Kevin's arm, a look of pure concern etched into each of his features. "Kev, baby... I'm so sorry... Are you okay? You're not taking any of his words to heart are you?" 

"I'm actually... Not. I thought I would be, because he was really mean to me, but... No. Scott continuously reminded me that Alphas can be terrible, and that doesn't reflect me in any way. So I'm just... More upset about being hit." 

"I'm sorry about that too... I hope that won't lead you to be afraid of Alphas, because I can assure you the Alphas in this house are some of the best around." 

"I know that, believe me I do. And... I'd never be afraid of any of our Alphas. The event itself just kind of made me question a few things..." 

"Like what, bel ragazzo?" 

Kevin grinned at the nickname, placing one of his hands on Todrick's thigh. "I need to be more careful with how I handle emotionally unstable Alphas." 

"Don't you dare put the fault on yourself, baby. This was not your fault. You shouldn't be responsible for Alphas' emotional breakdowns." 

"I just wish I could've helped or something... I hope he didn't go home and treat his Omega in the same manner that he treated me."

Todrick shook his head slowly, pulling Kevin's hand from his leg to bring it up and kiss the back of it. "You're too kind to the people you come across, amoureux."

"Doesn't everyone deserve kindness?" 

"Sure they do. But not after they hit you in the face, tesoro."

"I guess that's a good point..." 

Todrick sighed. "I'm just glad you're okay, truly. Is there anything I can get you that might help? I could run downstairs and make some tea for you?" 

"I'd prefer if you'd just sit here and keep calling me all those nice names." 

Todrick grinned at him. "Okay,  cariño."

"Spanish is always a good call." 

"You think so, mi hombre hermoso?" 

Kevin closed his eyes with a wide grin. "Mhmm. I do. I love you, Tod." 

"Yo también te amo."

"Okay you can stop with the spanish, you show off." 


"Don't even. No one in the entire house will be able to understand you, except me." 

Todrick leaned toward Kevin's face. "Good. You're all I need." 


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