Chapter 66

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(A/N) p.s. If you got a second notification; ignore it -- It was just me being dumb xD

I mean, you practically wrote it for me; I'd be dumb to pass this up

We'll just say this is when the kids are in high school :)

This is about 1700 words which is why it took some time to edit (sorry xD)


It was Friday, and Mitch could not be happier. Scott had been going to late night Alpha meetings so Avi wouldn't have to go, and as a result he slept through most of the morning. 

This meaning Mitch was personally responsible for helping the kids get off to School on time. Thank the Heavens Grace knew how to drive, so all Mitch really had to do was wake them both up, make some lunch and then make sure neither of them needed help with anything. 

Sometimes Grace would ask his opinion on an outfit, or ask for his help with her hair, but she was otherwise independent. 

Today was different, however. 

Grace had gotten up late, so she was upset about having to skip half of her morning routine. 

But when she rushed into the kitchen, tossing her backpack near the door, Landon was already sitting at the table waiting for her. Grace met his eyes. "I'm gonna run upstairs and grab some earrings, and then we can go." 

Landon nodded quickly, as she rushed off. He looked over to Mitch. "Does she seem a little scattered this morning?" 

"She woke up a little late." Mitch responded with a small smile. 

"Late? You didn't wake her up?" 

"I did. But she went back to sleep, and I didn't check on her." 

"Well why not? Now she's running late." 

Mitch squinted at him a little. "She's in high school, Landon. It shouldn't be my responsibility to wake her up in the first place, let alone check on her multiple times."

"But it wouldn't have killed you to poke your head in once to see if she--"

"Why didn't you do it then? If it's such a big deal to you?"

 "I was busy." 

"And you think I wasn't?" 

Landon stood up suddenly, and please remember he was going through his bratty teenage phase when he said, "God, I can't wait for Dad to wake up early again. He's not such a jerk in the morning." 

"Landon Alexander, don't you ever use that tone of voice with me again." Mitch snapped, almost standing from the table as well. 

"What are you going to do about it? Call Dad down here?" He scoffed. "You can never just fight your own battles." 

Grace walked back down the hall, smiling at Landon. "Alright little guy, you ready to go?" 

Landon stared at Mitch for a second longer, and then threw his backpack over his shoulder. "Yeah." 

Grace held the door open as he went, and she grinned at Mitch. "Bye, Mr. Grassi-Hoying. Have a nice day." 

Mitch tried to be civilized with her, after all it wasn't her fault Landon was bad mouthing him. "You too, honey." 

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