Chapter 10

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Prepare yourself for fetus- Ness xD

So obviously the FIRST romantic thing was the kiss they had in TAATO5, but I figured I'd expand on a different one ^-^ Thought it was cuter so

Context; Let's just say this is like... Very early dating for them ^-^


They'd just arrived home from a Counsel Meeting, Avi parking the car in the driveway.

Unfortunately for them, it was raining pretty hard as well as very dark outside, since they'd had to drive an hour or so to the specified building.

Avi calmly walked up to the door, allowing himself to get drenched because he couldn't find it in himself to care.

Meanwhile Kirstie and Kevin were trying to run to minimize their water damage.

Scott had gotten out of the car to follow, but saw Mitch shrink back into the vehicle after he heard a loud clap of thunder.

Scott squinted in the rain, and offered a hand to Mitch. "Come on, Mitchie. It's okay. There's nothing to be afraid of."

Mitch nodded a few times, beginning to obey him before the flash of lightening scared him back into the car again.

Scott frowned, trying once more to coax him out of the car. "What can I do to help you, Omega? I could carry you if you want."

Mitch paused a second, and then nodded quickly. "Yes please, Sir."

Scott rushed to do so, as he was now beginning to get cold from the rain soaking his shirt.

He held Mitch bridal style as they walked up the porch step, Mitch's head tucked into Scott's chest.

When Scott set Mitch back down, inside the house, he leaned down to brush Mitch's wet hair out of his face. "Are you okay, little one?"

Mitch nodded once. "Yes, Sir. Thank you."

Scott nodded, taking a moment to gently tuck the hair behind Mitch's ear, and softly trail his hand down Mitch's neck before he caught himself and pulled his hand away as if he'd been bitten. "Um. I'll see you in the morning."

Scott rushed into his new bedroom, now that he and Avi had finally acquired their own rooms, and sighed loudly.

Mitch stood in the same spot, carefully bringing his hand up to trace where Scott's hand had been, as he smiled a little.

Kevin walked past him then, grinning. "Sweet dreams, Mitch! I'll see you tomorrow."

Mitch jumped, thinking he'd been caught, but relaxed at the thought of Kevin having no idea what he was just doing. "Goodnight, Sir."


Scott was awoken in the midst of night by a soft tapping on his door.

He'd assumed it was the wind from the storm, making him hear things that were hitting the house. So he turned over and attempted to go back to sleep.

Scott heard the noise two, three more times, before he finally heard a quiet whimper outside his door.

Scott sat up immediately, and jumped out of bed to rush over to the door and open it. "Is someone--?"

Mitch stood in front of him, trembling in fear, eyes wide and shoulders slightly hunched. "A-A-Alpha?"

Scott frowned at him, placing a hand on his back to invite him into the room. "Oh gosh, I'm sorry Mitchie. I didn't hear you knocking. You're always free to just walk in, especially if you need something."

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