Chapter 35

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Sorry y'all; Halloween party xD (Yes Kelsey does party occasionally) ((And apparently gets very distracted xD))

Mkay so lots of y'all are asking about this.

Scott's come pretty close to letting Him out of his 'cage' or whatever. But this... this is it.

WHEN this gets crazy, know that YOU asked for it xD

(Update) Some Jalex coming later


The first time Avi allowed Grace and Landon to go to a summer camp, just so happened to be one of the worst weeks of his life.

It started out terrible, merely because Kirstie was worried sick about Grace.

But of course it had to be the same week that Avi's dad was released from the hospital.

He'd dared to show his face at Avi's house, to which Avi promptly kicked him out because Grace wasn't home anyhow.

Alex, Jake, and Travis came over to visit one night, which was the same night that Scott first started acting strange.

When Avi asked Kevin about it, the Beta quietly shared with him that it was Scott's father's birthday.

And apparently he'd been contacting Scott about getting together to celebrate, but of course Scott said no. Multiple times.

So when Alex stood up to answer the door that evening, right after dinner had ended, all Hell broke loose.

Alex was carrying Wyatt around, and as he swung the door open, his smile fell completely off his face. "Uh... Just give me one second, please."

"Just invite me in, you fool."

Alex blinked at him. "S-Sir, I can't do that. Let me get my Alpha."

Kevin rushed over to the door though, and shooed him away. "You can not be here. Your son is the Strongest Alpha in the entire world. Do you really think it'd be an intelligent thing to waltz in here and piss him off?"

"Maybe not. But he's my son, and--"

"That doesn't mean he'd be excited to see you."

"Did you just interrupt--?"

"Yes, Sir. I did. I'm closing the door now." And he did. Kevin shut the door right in his face.

Alex stared at him. "I can't believe you did that!"


A little later in the evening, Mitch decided he wanted ice cream of some kind.

And Scott didn't hesitate to agree with him.

The others were quick to agree, though Todrick argued they didn't all need to go (but they did all end up going).

When Avi parked at the grocery store, Kirstie and Alex immediately rushed into the place to explore.

Kevin and Todrick made minimal conversation as they followed, Jake and Travis right behind them.

Avi stuck with Scott and Mitch, walking beside them silently.

Mitch knew exactly where to go to get ice cream, but Scott turned to Avi at some point to ask to use the restroom.

Avi allowed it, and Scott rushed off. When he returned, he walked over to Avi and looked for Mitch. "Hey... Where's Mitchie?"

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