Chapter 124

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(Second part of the request)

Okay so this is another request from myself mixed into this one. xD Also I know that it is not Halloween, but. Inspiration strikes at weird times, so xD

Landon and Grace will be about 7 and 8 years old.


Avi, Mitch and Kevin agreed to take the kids out trick or treating this year, seeing as it's always Scott and Kirstie who want to do it (and have done it almost every previous year).

Easy solution would be for them all to go together, but Avi always argues that it's better to split up so half can make dinner for the rest of them as well as give candy out to the children, while the rest of them roam the streets.

As Grace was standing by the door with Mitch, waiting for Landon to get his costume on, Avi and Landon were arguing down the hall. 

Landon had pouted at him. "But I don't wanna be Superman anymore."

"Why not? It's kind of late to be changing costumes, don't you think?"

"But... I wanna be a different hero."

Avi closed his eyes and sighed. "If you say you wanna be Scott, I swear to everything..."

"But he's the strongest hero I know!" Landon complained. "Please?"

Avi checked the time on his phone, shaking his head slowly. "Well... It's not worth it to argue with you. So... let's just go upstairs and steal some of his clothes."


Landon suddenly came running down the stairs, only to jump onto Scott in a hug. "Look at my costume!"

Scott hugged him back, eyeing his outfit. "Are you... Wearing a tuxedo or something?"

Mitch grinned widely at the costume. "Are you wearing your dad's tie? And his necklace?"

Landon pushed away from Scott to face him. "Yep! Alpha Avi said I'm cute."

Mitch knelt down to meet his eyes, humoring him. "Well? Who are you supposed to be, baby?"

Landon grinned widely. "Well, I'm the World's Strongest Alpha!"

Scott suddenly gasped, both hands coming up to clutch at his own heart. "Oh my God, you're so cute! You gave up being Superman, just to be me?"

Avi pulled Mitch back up onto his feet with a gentle yank on his upper arm, only to set a hand on Landon's back and push him toward the door. "Alright, we get it. You're adorable, your husband is adorable, and your son is even cuter than any of you. Let's get some candy."

Mitch walked over to stand beside Scott. "Wait up for me, Lando."

Scott spoke up too. "Don't eat anything until you bring it back home for me to look at, okay? Promise me?"

Landon glanced back at him, the sleeves of Scott's jacket folded almost five times to make them short enough on Landon. "I promise, Dadda!"

As they rushed out of the house, Mitch gave Scott a quick kiss before following them, though Scott grabbed his wrist to pull him into a more passionate kiss, until Kevin reminded them of the children. 

Kevin held his hand out to Mitch. "Come on, Munchie. Let's follow the Scott look-a-like and the dragon."

Kirstie hurried to give Grace a kiss on the forehead. "Be safe, honey. I love you. Be sure to get lots of peanut butter ones for your Uncle Scottie, okay?"

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