Chapter 32

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Been holding onto this for a while xD

But here it comes. Birth chapter.

Also I'm almost done writing another one, so. Expect that later xD


Scott was in the kitchen helping Kirstie feed Grace, when the first signs started.

Kevin was helping Mitch sit himself on the couch, since Mitch wanted to watch some T.V.

Mitch suddenly stopped moving, and leaned on Kevin too much. "Ow... Kev, the back pain is-- Ow."

Kevin nodded sympathetically. "It's normal, honey. I'm so sorry. Do you want me to get some pain killers?"

Mitch took a second to seriously think about it. "No, I... I think I'm okay. It just hurts."

"Should I get Scott?"

Mitch thought about that too, but finally just sat down on the couch. "No. He's done so much already... I don't wanna bug him with something minor."

"Listen... I sent Avi and Todrick out to get iced tea and hot wings for you... I know it sounds crazy, but I've read in several sources that this will help when you're in labor."

"Isn't... Aren't I supposed to be in the hospital when I'm in labor?"

"Not until your contractions come in at specific intervals."

"What... What do contractions feel like?"

"Mitch, it's very normal to be afraid. But I promise everyone in this house will do everything we can to help you through this. Avi and Kirstie did this once, so they'll be perfectly capable of giving you any information you need."

Mitch nodded again. "I'm nervous."

"I know. It's okay though, Munchie. It's all gonna be okay." Kevin ran his hand through Mitch's hair, and then moved to sit beside him. "So! What would you like to watch?"


About halfway through the movie, Mitch hissed and brought a hand up to his stomach. "Kev..."

Kevin glanced over. "What's wrong? More back pain? Where does it hurt?"

"No it... It's in my stomach. Is it the baby? Is he okay?!" Mitch's eyes suddenly got wide, as his voice raised.

Kevin grabbed his arm to calm him down. "Honey, shh. Your baby is fine. He's perfectly fine."

Mitch tilted his head a little. "It... It stopped hurting?"

"Okay... That's probably a contraction. Let me know if it happens again. Okay?"

Mitch nodded a few times. "Where's Scott? Please get him. I'm scared." He rushed out all the sentences, fear evident on his face.

Kevin instantly stood, and rushed down the hall where Scott had gone with Kirstie.

He knocked on the door quickly. "Alpha, Mitch needs you."

Scott was out the door in the blink of an eye. "Where?" But he didn't wait for the answer, as he caught Mitch's scent and followed it instead.

Scott rushed over to the couch and dropped down in front of Mitch, setting a hand on Mitch's pregnant belly. "What's wrong, my angel? Are you okay?"

"I'm having the... Contractions."

Scott sat down beside him, kissing Mitch's forehead a few times. "It's okay, honey. I'm here."

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