Chapter 134

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Landon and Grace will be about 13/14 here. -Thought it would be interesting to make Grace old enough to give her a fighting chance xD-


Scott was home at the time. He and Avi were sitting at the table signing papers for Grace and Landon's education, while Todrick and Kirstie were in the kitchen making lunch.

Scott wasn't worried about how long Kevin and Mitch were out, until he realized that Kevin had left his phone at home.

He stood from the table suddenly. "Hey Todrick..? Kevin doesn't just so happen to have an extra phone, does he?"

"Not to my knowledge. Why?"

Scott cursed loudly, but at that moment Kevin came running in the door.

Kevin was a blabbering mess, sobbing as he tried to form words. Avi was the first to grab him and try to calm him down.

Scott took one good look at him, and then peeked out the front door to see if Mitch was behind him.

Mitch was just sitting in the passenger seat of the car crying, head in his hands.

Scott ran over to him in an instant, throwing the door open to hug him. "Honey, what--?"

"Fucking Jamie!" He shouted. "That fucking prick!"

"Woah, what hap--?"

"Kevin and I went to get the kids from School, and then we went to the store and they were there! They were fucking there!"

Scott froze and practically felt the Alpha inside of him humming to life. "Mitchell... Where's Landon?"

Mitch turned to him with tears in his eyes. "Scottie, please, I tried so hard to help them, and--"

Now that he was turned, Scott could see his black eye, and Scott held a hand up in his face so he'd stop talking.

Scott then gently ran his finger down the bruising. "Who did this to you?" He practically whispered.

"Jamie did... He and Tony found each other again, and--"

Scott suddenly growled, gradually becoming more angry. "You smell like him... Did he touch you?"

"H-He said if I said no, he'd do it to Landon. Scott, I'm so sorry."

Scott stared at him, almost never blinking. "How far?"


"How far did he get with you?"

"N-Not... Not very... He grabbed me in a couple places and... Threatened a couple things, but--"

"Stop being vague. Tell me what he did."

Mitch's head hung in shame, as the events ran back through his mind.

All he'd been doing was looking through the refrigerator aisle for something Kevin wanted, and then all of a sudden he was shoved into the glass.

And he could feel Jamie's presence; Could practically smell the nightmare of what he was.

Mitch immediately held his breath, terrified for his life. More than anything he wished Scott was here to save him.

He tried desperately to find his 'Morning Mitch' mindset, as Jamie spat things into his ear, running his hand down Mitch's stomach and down into the front of his jeans.

As he did this, he began grinding himself into Mitch's back, holding Mitch's arms in front of himself. "Missed you, Michelle."

Mitch could hear Kevin shouting for him, but didn't know what to do.

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