Chapter 89

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Mkay. In case you're looking for context, the first panic attack type thing was in chapter 186 of book 3 ^-^

Landon is about 15 years old here :)


Avi had organized for everyone to go out and see a movie together, one that the Omegas had all been particularly excited about.

Mitch had been rushing around his room looking for something, when Scott finally walked out of the bathroom with his hair done.

Scott walked over to him quickly. "What's wrong?"

"I can't find my sweater, Scottie. My favorite, favorite sweater is--"

"Oh, I have it."

Mitch shut the closet harshly, turning to face him. "What?"

Scott's shoulders sunk a little when he realized Mitch was mad at him. "I, uh... It said it could only be hand washed so I gave it to Kevin..."

"And? Where is it now?"

"I don't think he's done with it yet, and I told him not to rush but... I didn't know you'd need it tonight."

Mitch sighed loudly, turning around to open the closet again. "The one time I was gonna wear something that I own, and here I am going through your shit again instead."

"Mitchie, I'm so sorry." Scott walked over to him to put a hand on his back. "I could go try to do it real quick if you--"

"It won't dry in time."

"B-But I could try!" Scott said the end much more confidently than the beginning.

"No, it's fine. I'll just wear one of yours instead."

Scott paused, and then sighed, wrapping his arms around Mitch's bare torso. "I'm sorry, honey... I should've asked first... I was just trying to be husband-y..."

Mitch placed his hands on Scott's forearms as he looked through the closet. "I forgive you. It was a sweet thing to do." He reached out to touch a black sweater. "Can I wear this?"

"Anything you want, babe. Absolutely anything."

Avi knocked on their door once, before peeking his head in. "You guys almost ready?"

"Just one second, Av." Scott responded.

Avi nodded once. "Meet us downstairs." He turned to go, skipping down the steps to grin at Kirstie. "Hey, baby. Ready to go?"

Kirstie nodded, turning to see the Betas ready as well. "Mhmm."

Alex was standing beside Todrick as well, since Kirstie wanted him to go too.

Grace suddenly walked out of her room and went straight to Kevin. "Sir, Landon isn't feeling well."

Kevin let go of Todrick's hand and followed her back down the hall.

Kirstie looked to Avi and frowned. "Oh no... Poor thing."

Avi glanced behind him when Scott and Mitch came down the stairs. "Hey, your kid is sick."

Scott's eyes widened a little. "What? Where is he?"

Kevin came back down the hall, setting a hand on Scott's back so he wouldn't startle him. "I don't think Lando wants to attend this evening. He doesn't have a fever or anything, but he said he feels dizzy like he might pass out."

Scott nodded too animatedly. "What does that mean? Is he okay?"

"Yes, yes. I think he just needs to sleep, and then eat something probably."

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