Chapter 43

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In reference to 35 again. (Sorry, I got another idea so xD)

P.S. Every non-American please pray for us Americans in today's election xD These next 4 years are gonna be bumpy.

-1700 words-


Scott was able to keep Him under control for a long time after that. Memories of hurting Mitch kept Him pretty well contained.

It wasn't for almost an entire month after the first time it happened. Scott and Mitch were out on a double date with Kirstie and Avi, siting in the back row of a movie theater.

Something funny happened, Kirstie giggling loudly and leaning across Avi to whisper something to Mitch.

Scott's arm was over Mitch's shoulder, when Mitch leaned to whisper right back to her.

He wasn't very bothered by the Omegas, who'd done this about three times now, but apparently the human manifestation of an ashtray sitting in front of them was very very bothered.

He turned quickly. "Pretty sure this is a theater, not a talk show."

Mitch glanced over at him. "Pretty sure this is a free country, not North Korea."

"What did you just--?"

Scott wasn't even listening, he just nodded at Mitch. "Wow. That was clever. Kevin would be so proud of you."

Mitch giggled, nuzzling into his side. "On occasion, I can be very witty."

The ashtray spoke up again. "What kind of Omega--? You just openly back sassed me, and then ignored me."

Avi leaned forward. "He won't do it again. I'm his Lead, and I'll take care of it. Turn around and stop talking."

Ashtray did as he was asked, grumbling something to himself.

Avi rolled his eyes and leaned back in his seat, whispering to Mitch quickly. "Sorry, Tiny. Didn't mean to pull Rank on you. I know you can take care of yourself."

Mitch just shrugged. "You're more intimidating than I am. So.. Thanks, I guess."

And that was the end of the drama, at least for a little while. After the movie, on their walk through the doors out to the parking lot, Ashtray made another appearance.

Scott held the door open for the group, even holding it for Ashtray and his group.

Mitch didn't understand what he was doing though, so he stood in the doorway for a moment too long. "Scottie, what--?"

"Get out of the way, Twink." Ashtray snapped at him.

Mitch immediately knew who it was and turned quickly. "It's still a free country. And it's still polite to say please and thank you."

"Please get your ass out of my fucking face." He leaned toward Mitch a little with a scowl. "Thank you."

Mitch held up his hands in surrender, and turned to walk away.

Scott offered his hand to Mitch, wanting to walk him out as quickly as possible. But Mitch stumbled a little when he grabbed his hand, and then turned to snap at Ashtray.

Scott then realized that he hadn't stumbled, but rather had been pushed.

Scott turned too. "Don't ever put your hands on him again, do you understand me?"

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