Chapter 60

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This is pertaining to Grace and Landon ^-^

I'm thinking Grace is about 16 or 17 here?? Woo

And happy thanksgiving y'all ^-^ I was gonna try to double but I got roped into cooking so xD

But have a nice holiday anyway


Being an Omega, Landon would never be legally allowed to drive. But when Grace came of age, she got her license and immediately drove him wherever he wanted to go. 

This meaning she drove him to school each morning, and then after school she drove him out to lunch before taking him home. 

This particular event took place on a day that hadn't really stood out in Grace's mind until after school. 

In the morning, Scott had come running to say goodbye to Landon, Kirstie having helped Grace curl her hair that day... Everything normal. 

As they got into Grace's car, Scott waved at them with a hand that was holding coffee, his other arm over Kirstie's shoulders as she yawned. 

Landon waved back, and then shook his head as Grace pulled out of the driveway. "God, he's so embarrassing sometimes. I'm 16 years old, why does my dad need to come out and see me leave every morning?" 

Grace just grinned as she pulled onto the road. "He's just... A compassionate guy. Loves people too much. Or that's what my dad always tells me anyway."

"I guess so... He and Mama have been in love for so long... I just don't understand it. Any of it. How do adults even work?"

Grace giggled at him, her eyes set on the road. "Yeah... I don't know. Adults are confusing. But so is love, I guess."

Landon hummed, looking out the window as he held his backpack tightly on his lap. "I know... Maybe I should talk to Kevin about it. I just want to understand."

"I don't think it's possible to understand love, Lando. I really don't." 

"I know that. But... I want to understand better than I currently do." 

"Do you wanna talk about it..? Is it like.. Are you worried because people at School are dating each other and stuff? Is that where this is coming from?"

"No... I don't know. I just.. I notice a lot of things now... Now that I'm kind of getting smarter... And I know that Kevin and Todrick are like... Coworkers almost. Like... They do everything as a team, and they like to function in a pair like that. And I know your parents are more of a best friend kind of basis. Where they hang out and joke around all the time, and they respect each other, and... Y'know?" 

"Okay.. I don't see your point."

"But then there are my parents. Who've been married over 15 years, but still act like they're on their honeymoon. Like.. My dad still gets Mama flowers all the time, still buys him a bunch of stuff like chocolate and heart shaped things, and... I don't know. I think all the couples in our house are very, very in love. But is there a way that's better than the others?" 

Grace stopped at a red light, turning to him finally. "Good grief, Lando. How long have you been thinking about this? Why are you even worried? You've got plenty of years before you need to worry about that." 

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