Chapter 71

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Grace and Landon are high school students here ^-^ This is before they start dating.


Mitch flinched when he heard the front door slam, and then he heard shouting in the living room.

"Don't talk to me like that! I'm an Alpha and you're not!"

"Wow, real mature."

"Mature? You wanna talk about mature?! How mature is it for you to have to be pulled off of an Alpha in the Alpha's restroom--?!"

"That's none of your business!"

"Isn't it?! Our parents have entrusted me with your safety!"

"That doesn't mean you're in charge of me!"

Avi was the first into the room, shouting over them. "What the Hell is going on in here?"

Grace pointed at Landon accusingly. "He was attempting fornication with an Alpha in the bathroom!"

Landon put his hands on his hips. "That's not true!"

Avi waved a hand at both of them. "The next person to shout at me is getting Isolation. Speak to me like an actual person."

Kirstie was the next person in the room. "Is everyone okay in here?"

Avi shrugged. "Kit, will you go find the Betas? I'll get Scott. Landon, would you grab your mother? He should be in the kitchen."

Avi then turned to rush up the stairs, knocking loudly on Scott's bedroom door.

Scott didn't answer, so Avi walked into the room, just in time to hear the shower turn off.

Scott had been humming something loudly, so when he strolled out into the room, Avi assumed he hadn't heard the knocking.

Scott turned quickly, still not having seen him to grab a towel. He turned around completely, now facing Avi and his mouth dropped open as he covered himself with the towel. "Avi, what the fuck?!"

"Why didn't you lock the door? Fucking dumb." Avi took a step toward him. "Grace and Landon are downstairs and--"

"Uhh excuse me, could you please turn the fuck around for a second?"

"Seriously? As if I haven't seen it before?"

"Just. Come on, Avi. I just need one second to put some pants on, and then I'll listen to anything you want."

Avi rolled his eyes painfully, and then turned his back. "You're wasting my time."

"I'm also naked, so. Pick your battles."

Avi was quiet for about two seconds. "Are you done yet?"

"Take it easy. You're the one that barged in here when I was in the shower. If Mitch knew... He'd sass you into next week."

"Just hurry the Hell up. How long does it take a man to put on some damn pants?"

"Okay, okay, good Lord, I'm done. Now what the fuck do you want?"

Avi turned to him, checking him out once. "Wow, look at you. Been working out?" He spoke again quickly after. "A joke."

Scott crossed his arms over his chest. "Seriously, what do you want?"

"You need to come with me downstairs. We're having a family meeting about your son."


Scott sat down first, only wearing jeans (again, because Mitch liked it), before Mitch took a seat on his lap.

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