A Mob Boss's Heirs (Book 3 of...

By royal888

1.6M 73.5K 19.1K

Fiction Awards Winner in 2017 & Crystal Awards Winner 2016 Please read this book after Book... More

Author's Note
Family Tree - Spolier Alert
1. Faith Must Be Accepted
2. Sibling Troubles
3. Home Sweet Home
4. Intense Young Rosarios (Part 1)
5. Intense Young Rosarios (Part2)
6. A Typical Sunday
7. Contrast Within Family Life
8. Girls Vs. Boys (Part 1)
9. Girls Vs. Boys (Part 2)
10. Tough Love
11.Fighting Spirits & Ambitions
12. Early Encounters
13. A Common Room
14. Tough Options
15. Science Project
16. Chaotic Mess
17. Tension in The Air
18. Teenage Challenges
19. Trouble Not Over
20. Messing With The Wrong One
21. Temperamental
22. Reality Is Tough
23. Forbidden Love
24. Standing Out From The Rest
25. Unbelievable Lessons
26. Drama in Lesson (Part 1)
27. Drama In Lesson (Part 2)
28. An Eventful Session
29. Tough Teenage Life
30. Parental Power
31. Family Moments
32. Teenage Wrath
33. Coming On Hard
34. The Aftermath
35. Teenage Distress
36. Talking To Him
37. Complicated Lessons
38. The Art Room
39. An Evening With Him
40. Boys Are Boys
41. Teenage Worries
42. Getting There Slowly
43. Strong Jealousy
44. Confessions (Part 1)
45. Confessions (Part 2)
46. Teenage Impatience
47. Teenage Desires
48. Getting Breathless
49. Teenage Drama
50. Warm Glow Inside
51. Parental Love
52. Heart Felt Remorse
53. His Beauty Is His Only
54. Fury In Her Gorgeous Eyes
55. Loving Her His Way
56. Power In Their Hands
58. His Style Of Loving Her
59. Defeat Can Turn Into Triumph One Day
60. Power Of Authority
61. Power Of Diplomacy
62. At The Zone
63. The Heirs Plotting
64. The House Of Giovanni (Part 1)
65. The House Of Giovanni (Part 2)
66. The House Of Giovanni (Part 3)
67. The House Of Giovanni (Part 4)
68. The House Of Giovanni (Part 5)
69. Cruelty Hours
70. Survival Camp Hours (Part 1)
71. Survival Camp Hours (Part 2)
72. Count Down Starts
73. The Interrogation
74. The Interrogation Heat
75. Watching Stars
76. A Couple At Last
77. Back To School As A Couple
78. Strictly Forbidden
79. Cousins At Their Dinner
80. Rosario Mansion
81. Offense is a good Defense
82. His Cousin
83. Her Heavenly Presence
84. Heirs Dreams
85. Rulers Rule
86. Taking Him on
87. Actions Have Consequences
88. Truce Can't Prevent Defeat
89. His Father's Words
90. An Heir's Conflict
91. Justice & Sweetness
92. A Sister's Duty
93. A Confrontation
94. Cake Rhymes With Snake
95. Loyalty To The Beloved
96. Loving the Outsider
97. A Dance & SleepOver (Part 1)
98. A Dance & SleepOver (Part 2)
99. A dance & SleepOver (Part 3)
100. A Dance & SleepOver (Part 4)
101. Forget Me Not
102. A Covenant
103. The Past Times
104. Watching Her
105. Belonging
106. Sleepless Night
107. Long Night
108. Morning Heart To Heart
109. Destined For An Heir
110. His Possesive Eyes
111. Milan Calling
112. His Return
113. His Strictness
114. Touching His Heart
115. A Kiss Worth Waiting For
116. An O'Neil's Ultimatum
117. Secrets In His Heart
118. A memory of the past
119. Wanting It Badly Enough
120. The Beast Unleashed
121. War Path Challenge
122. The Prom ( Part 1)
123. The Prom ( Part 2)
124. The Prom (Part 3)
125. The Prom (Part 4)
126. The Prom (Part 5)
127. The Prom (Part 6)
128. The Prom (Part 7)
129. The Prom (Part 8)
130. The Prom (Part 9)
131. The Prom (Part 10)
132. The Prom (Part 11)
133. Harsh Lessons

57. Military Disciplinary Moments

9.7K 536 187
By royal888

Vienna was running across the basic route focused on jumping the obstacles. She was finding it pretty easy. She wanted to try the intermediate obstacle course that the other year group above her were trying like Letizia and Vanessa. But of course she knew she wasn't allowed to ask her superiors anything. She was ordered by Tristan to just focus on going through basic training and she wasn't allowed to question it. She didn't want to get a strike. The survival class was ruled like military or even stricter. As she finished the obstacle course, she made her way in line to the stairs that were placed in a hill like structure. She ran upstairs and downstairs. As she was walking down she saw him watching her with his hands behind his back overseeing the camp. She looked down quickly. She wasn't sure even being distracted and looking around was around.

Vienna knew she had to focus. It was part of the rules. Dreadful consequences awaited anyone who wasn't taking it seriously. The past half term, it was easier to go through it without noticing Tristan. Since she had no idea he liked her. But now that she did, she couldn't help glancing at him. The second time she went up the stairs and came down, she found it harder to not look at him. She couldn't even help smiling and biting her lip nervously as she felt him just staring at her. She looked down and came downstairs.

Just then as she turned to go up again, she heard him " Private Rosario. Report to me." She trembled. She was the only private Rosario. Stefano, Alexander and Viggo were Corporals after scoring so high. She turned and looked at Tristan who hadn't moved from his spot. She took a deep breath and walked to him. She stood in front of him in military stance not looking at him " Yes. Sergeant." She couldn't help smile. It was hard not to. Alot had changed between them. She liked the fact that she didn't have to look at him in the eye out of respect and was looking past him. It was good excuse to not meet his gaze and not melt down.

Tristan took a step closer to her and she felt his breath brushing against her cheeks as he leaned closer. That made her heart race. He demanded " Look at me Private Rosario."

Vienna looked forward at his chest and Tristan found it cheeky of her. He spoke in a harder tone " I meant  meet my eyes."

Vienna looked up nervously and not her lip " Yes Sergeant O'Neil". Saying his name made her feel breathless.

Tristan had a thoughtful look in his eyes. " I saw you being distracted Private Rosario. Why were you looking around?"

Vienna gulped and looked away " I am sorry sergeant. It won't happen again."

Tristan reminded her " Did I ask you to look away?"

Vienna looked up into his eyes that only held held intensity " Sorry."

Tristan raised an eyebrow " I didn't ask you to apologise. You did not answer my question. I don't ask twice."

Vienna took a deep breath and stated " I was looking at ... you sergeant."He had caught her. She blushed and looked away.

Tristan shook his head " Private Rosario, look up."

Vienna looked up " Sorry."

Tristan had a playful glint in his eyes that worried Vienna " You were looking at me? So you admit you were distracted?"

Vienna breathed " Yes Sergeant." She then couldn't help smile nervously.

Tristan put his hands on his hips " Is there something funny Private Rosario? Why are you smiling?"

Vienna gulped " Sorry"

Tristan stated " Oh. You just got yourself a strike for not taking this course seriously..."

Vienna's eyes widened " I am so sorry sergeant...."

Tristan stated " Go to my office on the left wing and wait for me."

Vienna was terrified. Where was Vincenzo when she needed him. He had taken the people on the advanced course to the other side of the camp. Vienna pleaded " I am sorry. Give me another chance. Why can't you let the offence go this once Tristan?" Then she covered her mouth."

Tristan smiled with a satisfied look " Strike two. You just not only gave me an order and demanded something from your superior but you also questioned an order. You also addressed me inappropriately. But I liked hearing my name from your lips so I let that one offence go. You will be disciplined accordingly. Go to my office now before I change my mind and give you a third strike too.

Vienna couldn't help laugh and looked away. What was wrong with her. It was hard to be close to him and not feel nervous. Maybe her nervousness came out as a chuckle but that sure got her into trouble.

Tristan leaned closer " Did I state anything amusing Private Rosario?"

Vienna cleared her throat. No sergeant. I just felt like something tickled me." It was the truth. She had felt something up her arm. Probably it was an ant maybe.

Tristan spoke with surprise " So you are ticklish? Interesting information. I will make a mental note of that. Dismissed. Wait for me in my office."

Vienna slowly walked away and closed her eyes taking a deep breath. What was she to expect now? She looked around hoping for some help but there was none. All Rosarios were with Vincenzo at the other side of the place.

Tristan watched her with satisfaction. She looked just breath taking walking in her simple pair of shorts and tank top. She just was perfect. He just couldn't help getting an excuse to have her alone by herself. He turned to Alton and Cain who were his Corporals. He shouted orders at them to keep an eye out while he took care of a matter in his office. He then walked slowly to the office making her wait abit longer. He wanted to tease her and why not?

As he entered he saw her figure standing in military stance in front of his desk. He closed the door. He took a deep breath as he walked to her and watched her tremble. He stood behind her "Do you know why you are here?" He then smiled to himself as he put his hands behind his back and walked in front of her facing her.

Vienna took a shaky breath nervously "Yes Sergeant." She was petrified. Tristan had two sides. A business side and a personal side. If you crossed his business side, you didn't find any mercy at all.

Tristan stated "Look at me when I am talking to you."

Vienna jumped almost at his harsh tone. She looked up "Yes... Sergeant." He had an unreadable expression and Vienna was dying of anticipation of what he was going to do to her for her so called offences. She was trying so hard not to look away so she didn't get herself a third strike. She knew that was going to be quite serious. She couldn't imagine how horrific the repercussions could be.

Tristan nodded "Good. You are learning fast.. Now. Lets get to your sanctions... Number one offence is being distracted.... take a seat behind that desk for me now."

Vienna looked at the direction he pointed at. She quickly whispered "Yes Sergeant." She then walked to the desk and sat down quickly looking at Tristan awaiting his next instructions. Tristan picked up a piece of paper and a pen . He walked to her making her feel on edge as he approached her. He placed the pen and paper in front of her. "Now you will write what I tell you repeatedly until I am satisfied. Each time you write each sentence, you will read it out loud too as you write."

Vienna sighed in relief. How bad could it be? Writing lines was nothing. She considered herself lucky.

Tristan walked to the window and looked outside watching with approval at what was happening outside. Alton and Cain were good corporals and he was certain they were going to be promoted to Sergeant rank by the end of term as he was going to be a Lieutenant.

Vienna heard his voice from behind her "Write the following sentence; "I will not disobey Tristan O'Neil again."

Vienna didn't need to be told twice. She wrote the sentence and read it out loud.

Tristan closed his eyes shut and took a deep breath as he heard his name being called by her. It gave him so much joy to hear his name coming from her lips.

Vienna wrote the second sentence and read it out loud. She had no idea what she was doing to Tristan by simply saying his name.

Tristan turned around from the window and walked to her. He stood behind her and reveled in being close to her body. He leaned close and whispered in her ear "Say it louder."

Vienna trembled as she felt him standing behind her. He walked around and stood in front of the desk as she read out the sentence louder. He breathed "I am not satisfied yet... You need to make the sentence longer... After this sentence, add another. Write down... I Vienna Rosario must trust Tristan O'Neil."

Vienna gasped but she didn't say anything. She carried on writing. She had nothing to complain about. Writing lines was nothing compared to all the sanctions available.

Tristan was looking at her pale fingers writing down lines and her pink lips saying his name. He was just in love with her. He just hoped she learnt from what she wrote. He hoped she trusted him. He hoped she put away her shyness and looked into his eyes. He wished she didn't doubt him. She was so innocent.

As she wrote more lines, Tristan went to window and looked outside. He stated in a serious tone. "Have you learnt your lesson Private Rosario. Are you going to take it more seriously from now on?"

Vienna spoke automatically "Yes, Sergeant."

Tristan turned around and smiled to himself "Good. Now lets move on to your next offence." He stood behind her that made her feel intimidated. He put his hands behind his back as he leaned closer to her ear "Now, its time to deal with your more serious offence."

Vienna shook hard and breathed "I am sorry."

Tristan's expression turned serious as he walked around the desk and faced her. She looked up at him with fear in her eyes. He spoke in a hard tone "Now. What shall we do with you? I give you a choice Private Rosario." He put his hands on the table and leaned closer " I want you to choose a punishment. What do you think is fitting for a girl who questions her superior. What do you think is more fitting as a sanction?"

Vienna looked away and bit her lip as she spoke nervously but in an honest tone "Maybe Sergeant could let this offence go this time... How about forgiveness... I didn't mean to question you Sergeant O'Neil." She then glanced up at Tristan trying to read his mind hoping to find some hint of mercy in his pair of cold, hardened eyes.

Tristan narrowed his eyes "Tsk, Tsk. Private Rosario... I gave you a choice... I asked you to choose a punishment. You didn't choose one when I gave you the chance. Forgiveness is not a form of punishment... Forgiveness is not an option in Survival lessons."

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