Black And White

By Joy_IsWriting

718K 51.3K 40.1K

"Their love as black and white as piano keys and permanent ink." -@ElusiveWyatt- -@toepeechufter- ... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty Three
Fifty Four
Fifty Five
Fifty Six
Fifty Seven
Fifty Eight
Fifty Nine
Sixty One
Sixty Two
Sixty Three
Sixty Four
Sixty Five
Sixty Six
Sixty Seven
Sixty Eight
Sixty Nine
Seventy One
Seventy Two
Seventy Three
Seventy Four
Seventy Five
Seventy Six
Seventy Seven
Seventy Eight
Seventy Nine
Eighty One
Eighty Two
Eighty Three
Eighty Four
Eighty Five
Eighty Six
Eighty Seven
Eighty Eight
Eighty Nine
Ninety One
Ninety Two
Ninety Three
Ninety Four
Ninety Five (X)
Ninety Six
Ninety Seven
Ninety Eight
Ninety Nine
One Hundred
Hundred And One
Hundred And Two
Hundred And Three
Hundred And Four
Hundred And Five
Hundred And Six
Hundred And Seven
Hundred And Eight
Hundred And Nine
Hundred Ten
Hundred Eleven
Hundred Twelve
Hundred Thirteen
Hundred Fourteen
Hundred Fifteen
Hundred Sixteen
Hundred Seventeen
Hundred Eighteen
Hundred Nineteen (XX)
Hundred Twenty
Hundred Twenty One
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Hundred Twenty Six (X)
Hundred Twenty Seven
Hundred Twenty Eight
Hundred Twenty Nine
Hundred Thirty
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Hundred Thirty Seven
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Hundred Forty Seven
Hundred Forty Eight
Hundred Forty Nine
Hundred Fifty
Hundred Fifty One
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Hundred Fifty Five (XX)
Hundred Fifty Six
Hundred Fifty Seven
Hundred Fifty Eight
Hundred Fifty Nine
Hundred Sixty
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Hundred Sixty Six
Hundred Sixty Seven
Hundred Sixty Eight
Hundred Sixty Nine
Hundred Seventy
Hundred Seventy One
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Hundred Seventy Seven
Hundred Seventy Eight
Hundred Seventy Nine
Hundred Eighty
Hundred Eighty One
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Hundred Eighty Three
Hundred Eighty Four
Hundred Eighty Five
Hundred Eighty Six
Hundred Eighty Seven
Hundred Eighty Eight
Hundred Eighty Nine
Hundred Ninety
Hundred Ninety One
Hundred Ninety Two (X²)
Hundred Ninety Three
Hundred Ninety Four
Hundred Ninety Five
Hundred Ninety Six
Hundred Ninety Seven
Hundred Ninety Eight
Hundred Ninety Nine
Two Hundred


8.1K 426 424
By Joy_IsWriting


Please thank Kirstin_fanacc for making this AMAZING cover.

I'm literally in love with it ugh ❤

Also thank RheePtx for helping her out ^-^

So here's another chapter to celebrate xD


Scott was waiting outside of Mitch's classroom before lunch, which just so happened to be math.

Mitch was carrying a large textbook, which Scott took from his arms immediately, and grinned down at the shorter boy. "Can I take you out to lunch? I think I saw a new--" He froze, and stopped walking. "Shit. I forgot about the car."

"It's okay. I have lunch to eat. We'll just stay with the others."

"Damn it. I fucking hate my dad."

Mitch frowned, grabbing Scott's hand and pulling him out of the way of the steady flow of students. "Hey, don't curse like that. It's not a big deal. You'll get your car back eventually."

"But I feel bad because your mom is driving you around, and I should be driving you like a good boyfriend."

"She's just waiting for my grades to improve. It shouldn't take long. And then I can drive you, like a good boyfriend."

Scott frowned, shaking his head slowly. "No, it's fine. I don't need your pity." He grabbed his phone from his pocket to check for messages, so he could figure out where he'd meet Avi for lunch.

Mitch was in the middle of grabbing a few more textbooks out of his bag, now carrying three of them in his arms as he waited for Scott to talk again.

Scott glanced up for a second, seeing Mitch's bright smile, before looking down again. "Looks like they're all just waiting outside the drama room for us."

Mitch nodded, and turned to walk in that direction. He stopped, to be sure Scott was following him. He should've known better than to stop in traffic though, because instantly, someone ran into him and knocked his books to the ground.

Scott grabbed whoever bumped into him by the front of his shirt. "Watch where you're going, dipshit."

"It's his fault for--"

"No it isn't! You ran into him like a dumbass! And if you do it again I'll shove my foot so far up your ass--"

Mitch interrupted him with a hand on his arm. "Babe, come on. I'm fine."

Scott dropped the other student's shirt, eyeing him tauntingly, before looking into his eyes. "You'd best get the fuck out of my face."

The student scurried off quickly, his friends keeping their heads down.

Scott turned to Mitch and then dropped to the ground to collect his books. "I'm sorry, he's a fucking dumbass, Mitch. I hate people sometimes."

Mitch held his hands out to take the books back, but of course Scott held onto them. "Scott, I'm fine. You shouldn't beat up on people like that. You're going to get in trouble."

"Wouldn't really matter, would it?"

"Of course it would. You only get so many chances, Scott."

Scott glared at him. "Do you want to eat lunch or not? I'm not gonna stand around and fucking argue all day."

"Scott." Mitch scolded. "Don't you dare use that tone with me. I'm not just one of your classmates, Hoying. I'm your boyfriend, and you'll speak to me as such."

Scott considered arguing, but knew better. He hated when Mitch was mad at him. Mitch would just.. Stop talking to him. And Scott couldn't handle that. "Fine."

"Are you sorry?"

"No. He deserved it."

Mitch rolled his eyes. It just wasn't worth it. "Lets go eat lunch, okay?"


"I'll share with you, if you want. I know you don't bring one."

Scott didn't respond, he just began to walk down the hall.

Mitch frowned. "Hey."

Scott turned, an unamused expression on his face.

"You forgot something." Mitch stood up on his tiptoes, pressing a quick kiss to Scott's lips.

Scott tried to keep kissing him, even when Mitch pulled away, until Mitch finally put a hand out to stop him.

Mitch giggled a little. "You're so aggressive."

"Yeah. I get that a lot."


Avi ended up sharing his lunch with Scott, though Scott didn't ask.

Mitch was sitting beside Kirstie, talking with her about the role she'd gotten in the upcoming school play. Mitch suddenly turned to Scott. "Scottie, would you please please please go with me to see Kit's play?"

Scott just blinked at him. "What, are you kidding?"

"No. I want to go, and I want you to come with me."

"Mitch, we'll talk about it later."

Mitch frowned at him. "But... But... Scott."

Scott didn't respond, turning back to his lunch.

Kirstie gave him a small smile. "Scott, I understand that you don't really show your face at events... But it would mean the world to me if you'd go. I'd love to see you there."

Scott glanced up, unable to resist the sincerity on her face. "I'll think about it."

Avi raised an eyebrow. "Really? I mean... Really?"

"Yeah, maybe. So what?" Scott snapped at him.

Alex came jogging over, practically appearing out of nowhere. "Hey guys."

Kirstie looked up at him and smiled, patting the spot on the ground next to him. "Sit with me?"

"I actually can't. I have to go change for the game, because the bus leaves in twenty. But I wanted to ask if you guys would come to our next home game. It's on Thursday, and... I'd really appreciate the support. Just something to think about. I'll see you guys later!"

As he walked away, Mitch turned to Scott again. "Scottie would you please please--"

"No, Mitch. I hate this fucking place, you know that. If you want to hang out with me, we'll do it on our time."

Mitch pouted. "You're no fun. Fine, I'll just go alone. All by myself."

Kevin smiled a little, looking up from his math homework. "I'll go with you. I'll drive, even."

Scott gestured to Kevin. "See? There you go."

Mitch stood from his seat and walked over to where Scott was leaning against the cement planter. "Scott, you're not listening. I want you to hang out with me once every blue moon, is that so much to ask?"

"Well maybe if you'd tell your parents about us--"

"You know I can't do that. You won't tell your parents either!"

"Because they don't give a single shit, Mitchell. Sophia isn't even around anymore, and you know damn well that Connie left ages ago. You want me to tell my dad? Really?"

"Why not?"

"Rick doesn't care either, Mitch. If I catch him in between rounds of leaving me home alone for a week and drinking himself half to death, then sure. I'll tell him everything you fucking want."

Mitch blinked a few times, and then he took a deep breath. "You're right. I'm sorry, babe. But... You know I can't tell my parents. My father would have my neck."

Scott reached forward to grab Mitch's upper arm, pulling him into his chest to hug. "I know. I shouldn't have said anything. That was unfair."

"When you get your car back, we can do whatever you want. It doesn't have to be school related. I just... I want to hang out with you, Scott. But you're never willing."

"Of course I'm willing. I just don't want to do it here."

Mitch hesitated a second, leaning his shoulder into Scott's chest and reaching forward to trace one of Scott's tattoos with his fingernail. "Promise me you'll take me out when you get your car back."

"I promise. The instant I get the keys back, I'll go directly to your house."


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