Hurt and Love-Block B Jaehyo

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I got this idea from Nasty Nasty Knock.

You're P.O.V

I sat in the living room in the dark with a glass of wine next to me watching old home movies of me and my boyfriend of four years Jaehyo. I was smiling in the films but here me now I was not. I took a sip of my wine and heard the front door open and close, I then heard footsteps. I knew it was Jaehyo, I use to greet him with a smile every time he came home but I don't now. He walked up behind the couch, I knew he was behind me. "What no " Hi welcome home!" Just silence!" he said to me. I didn't say anything, I don't remember the last time I had a decent conversation with him.

I just drank my wine and watch the film.

"Ir's a beautiful day for a walk," Jaehyo said in the film he was filming the park and the points the camera at me, I was walking ahead of him. "And here is the most beautiful girl in the world," He said I turn and look at him and smile. When was the last time I smiled? When was the last time he called me beautiful? I don't remember.

I just hear him smirking behind me. I don't need to look at him to know he was laughing, "Really watching old videos on how things use to be? My god are you pathetic! You know these won't bring back those times," he tells me. You don't think I know that! But I still don't answer him, he then messes with some of my hair. He was really close to my face, "Face it baby girl nothing is going to bring that back!" he tells me, I didn't respond. I can tell he was mad I wasn't giving him the reaction he wanted. "Bitch!" he said under his breath. He then fixes his jacket, "I'm going out," he tells me. I don't respond I just grab my wine glass and just look at it,I then heard the door slam shut.

"Who's really the bitch here babe? Me or that whore that I once called friend that you been fucking?" I said out loud. No answer "Or is it really you?" I said. I then look at the film. I see our smile faces and him hugging me and kissing me. I haven't felt that in eight months, "I'm not going to waste my tears on you Jaehyo, I'm also not going to stop you," I said looking at my wine glass. I then heard my phone go off it was a text.

B-Bomb: Hey you free?

I smirk and text back.

______: Yes let me get changed can you maybe pick me up?

B-Bomb: Sure. Wear something nice.

_______: Sure. Give me a few minutes.

I then turn off my phone. "But yet again Jaehyo I won't let you to be the only one having some fun, I just having a bit more since Minhyuk is your best friend yet again you are fucking his ex-girlfriend." I said to myself. I then get up and turn off the tv and went to get ready.

End Of You're P.O.V

Jaehyo's P.O.V

The music in the car was playing Jiwoo was on her phone. She then began to check her make-up, "So how's ______?" she asked me, "Why you ask?" I ask her, "Just asking because what I have heard from a few acquaintances that she hasn't been herself," she said. "She's mute basically she never talks to me or looks me in the eye anymore, hell even when she found out I was expecting her to cry but no she didn't," I tell her. I started cheating on my girlfriend of four years for eight months now, Ever since we moved in together two years ago things changed. It was amazing the first year in a half of living together but then I don't know something in her just changed and she wouldn't tell me why, and the thing was we weren't fighting, sure we had a few arguments but what couple doesn't.

It's just that she's not the same girl I fell in love with something was not the same she just changed one day, and well Jiwoo noticed and she started giving me the attention I haven't been getting and things happened. I don't have any romantic feeling towards Jiwoo, I'm not going to lie anytime I kiss her or have sex with her I image ______.

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