White's Day-Cix Hyunsik

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This is a request from @yanagirenjiidealtype


Hyunsik's P.O.V
I sat there and watch as she was talking to her friends it was March 14th which means it's White's Day. And today I was going to tell her my feelings, I have liked this girl for a long time and I can't keep it a secret anymore. I had with my a small Bouquet of white roses, a wrote her a letter as well and I got her this

It was a small but simple ring, I put the ring away and saw her get up from her table and waved bye to her friends

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It was a small but simple ring, I put the ring away and saw her get up from her table and waved bye to her friends. The bell rang I grab my things and also headed to class, I was behind her and decided to brave it. I let out a breath and tap her shoulder she turns around and smiles. "Umm hi _____ I am well happy White's Day," I tell her and give her the flowers first.

She smiles and taken them, "Hyunsik their beautiful thank you," she tells me. I smiled I was about to get out the ring and letter when Joon came over. "What are you doing loser giving gifts to my girl?" He asked. I wasn't fazed by this I know they aren't really dating, "Joon I am not your girl I never was. Hyunsik is just being sweet," she tells him. He smirks and takes the flowers from her, "hey those are hers," I tell him. "Not anymore," he said and put them on the ground and stomped on them. "JOON STOP!" She yelled at him.

I was angry at this point, he looks at me. "Awww what's wrong is little Hyunsik going to cry?" He asked me. I stayed silent, "hey I know you wrote her a letter for today I know you like her. So why don't you tell her huh?" He Said to me. Everyone was looking I was scared and nervous, until ______ took my hand in hers, I look at her. "Hyunsik I would love to hear what you wrote," she says to me. I took out the letter and opened it and took a deep breath and read it.
"Dear _____,
I believe I have tried to write this so many times that I lost track. I just wanted to tell you I think you're the most beautiful girl I ever met inside and outside. You are always smiling which has to be the most beautiful thing about you.
You always ask how my day was and if I'm having a bad day you give me a hug and listen to what I have to say. You give me helpful advice as well, I'm very thankful to call you my friend but I want to call you more then that.
What I'm trying to say is I like you and will you be my girlfriend this White's Day.?
Love Hyunsik."

After I finished reading it I started to get nervous again, "I also got you this," I tell her getting out the ring, "this is my heart and I only want you to have it," I tell her. She smiled "and I will gladly accept it," she said. My eyes widened, "so are you saying?" I ask her. She nods her head yes. "I'll gladly accept being your girlfriend thank you for telling me how you feel Hyunsik I like you too," she tells me. I smile and put the ring on her finger and hug her. She hugs me back and people were clapping, "I got my White's Day wish," she said. "What's that?" I ask. "You," She Said.

We separated from the hug and I kiss her forehead.

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