My best friend wants my boyfriend- CNblue Jungshin

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I shut my locker and look at my best friend Nicole, taking in what she just told me. "I'm sorry what did you say?" I ask her. "I like Jungshin," she tells me. "Jungshin? My boyfriend of 2 years? You like him? My boyfriend?" I ask her. "Yeah I have liked him for a while now," she tells me. I gave her the WTF face, she is now just telling me this while me and him are having problems we currently not speaking to each other at the moment giving each other space. "Where is this coming from? You never showed interest in him before," I say to her. "I don't know I saw him practice and I guess I like a guy who plays a instrument," she tells me. "You do realize there is other guys in the music department that play instrument right?" I ask her. "Yeah I guess I like a guy who plays bass," she tells me. Okay now she's making up stuff.

"Jaejin (F.T.Island) and Kwangjin (former N.Flying) also play bass," I tell her. "I like a guy with long hair," she says . Yep she's making things up, "Jaejin and Kwangjin BOTH have long hair," I tell her. She was quiet for a second, "Your point?" She Said I was pissed off at the moment. Me and Nicole have been "best friends" since elementary school I wish to think that I notice years later, that if I had anything she would want it and she would act like she wants it all innocent and I would fall for it and give it to her. Now she is after my boyfriend right when me and him are having problems, and bitch I'm not giving you MY man.

"My point is there is other boys who fit that description you can date," I tell her. She noticed I wasn't giving in and she has noticed that for a while since 8th grade I stop following for her tricks why am I still friends with her? I don't even fucking know not even my new friends like her. "But I like Jungshin and since you two are not seeing eye to eye can I have him?" She asked all sweetly. Okay that's it, I hit my locker door really hard with my fist she jumps out of fright. "No, no no no fucking no you can't we are still together, he is my boyfriend and all because we are arguing doesn't give you the right to come ask me to hand him to you. He's a person not a toy, I'm sick of this Nicole I'm done never talk to me again and stay away from my boyfriend," I tell her and walk away from her. I don't care if people say that I was being mean to her I just can't deal with her anymore.

I go and find Jungshin before she can tell him anything, I went to the music department and saw him with the boys (CNblue) and I walk in. "Oh hey _____," Said Yonghwa, Jungshin looks at me then looks away pretending to tune up his bass. "Hey guys can I speak to Jungshin alone please," I ask them. They look at him, "sure he's all yours," Said Jonghyun and they got up and headed out the room. "You two play nice now no fighting ," Said Minhyuk who shuts the door. Jungshin puts his bass down and looks at me, "I thought you weren't speaking to me at the moment?" He ask me. "I was until I ran into a problem," I tell him. "What did I do now?" He ask me . "Nothing you did nothing wrong," I tell him. "Then what's up?" He ask and sees my hand all red and gets up and looks at it, "what happened?" He asked "it's called Nicole she pissed me off so I hit my locker to scare her," I tell him. "What did she do to piss you off?" He ask me .

"She tells me out of no where that she likes you and wants me to give you to her because you and me are not speaking to each other," I tell him. "What the hell? Isn't she your best friend ? What kind of friend says that?" He asked me. "Her. And now that I look over my history with her we were never friends I realized that in 8th grade anything I had she wanted and acted all sweet and I fell for it and gave it to her and once she was done with it she give it back to me which could take weeks or months. I learn to say no to her and she noticed it, sometimes she would throw tantrums until I gave it to her or not speak to me or send really mean text to me. This is the last straw," I tell him.

"She's fucking crazy she really thinks because we are having problems I would go to her?" He says I felt tears leave my eyes, "I can't deal with her anymore I can't take it, with school and home and work. Not mention you and me fighting and now her I'm at my breaking point," I tell him crying I have been so stressed out lately I guess I took that frustration out on Jungshin and that's when we started fighting when he was just trying to help. "I took my frustration out on you I'm sorry," I tell him. "So that's why you been so mad, you should have just told me," he tells me. "I didn't want to bother you," I tell him. He hugs me, "you never bother me," he tells me. I cried, after I cried for a minute he sits me down and wiped my tears away. "Listen don't worry about Nicole okay if she comes and talks to me I'll tell her straight up okay don't worry about it and after school we can go to my place and watch a movie and order food how does that sound?" He says to me. I smile.

"That sounds great," I tell him. "That's my girl now head on to class," he tells me . I get up and started walking but I went back and kissed his lips. "Bye," I said to him, "bye," he said . I went to class, and everything was okay, "hey what's up with you and Nicole? People been talking about how she wants Jungshin and you're not letting her have him?" Ask Mina "like what people been saying she wants him because he's my boyfriend but me and him just talked and everything is okay," I tell her. "That's good," she says to me.

After school
I was headed back to the Music department and before I can open the door I saw Jungshin and Nicole. "Please go out with me," she says to him "no," He tells her, "why not?" She asked "I'm with ______ I been with her for 2 years I want to keep on being with her," he tells her. "But you two are fighting right now," she said "we just worked things out and she told me everything your a selfish person Nicole," he tells her, she looks confused usually she gets what she wants. "What's so good about her?" She ask him . "She's beautiful, sweet, friendly, hardworking, an amazing person who anybody be lucky to have and I'm dating that amazing person. And you used her," he tells her.

She was mad now, "of course I used her, she was so desperate for friends when she moved here I did her a favor but now she grew a fucking back bone. I can't stand her, I'm the reason she is who she is today she should be thanking me and giving me what I want and what I want is you," she tells him. He smirks, "why so you can toss me to the side once she gets a new boyfriend and you would want him or when you get bored of me," he says to her . I step in, I was so angry now I see her true colors, "you're the reason I am who I am today? Yeah right I learned to grow as a person and learned to say no to people like you. ," I tell her.

She pushes me down to the ground Jungshin went helped me up. "That's it the final straw is going to tell the whole school that you stole Jungshin from me that you were sending me threats the same threat and hateful things I said to you ," she tells me. "Oh I don't think so hey guys come on out," Said Jungshin and the rest of CNblue boys came out of their hiding spots and all were holding cameras and recorders. "Now now Nicole we don't want this to be getting out right?" Said Jonghyun. "You were recording everything?" She asked them. "Every word and you pushing _____ down we got everything in 3 different angels," Said Minhyuk "What are you going to do Now Nicole?" Ask Yonghwa . Nicole didn't say anything and ran out.

"Thanks guys," Said Jungshin "no problem now what?" Ask Minhyuk "we prove Nicole's true colors," Said Yonghwa "no guys she's already embarrassed enough right now let's leave her be," I tell them. "The Lady is right but we are going to hold on to this Incase alright," Said Jonghyun "alright," I say to them.

Jungshin walked me home so I can change clothes I came out in shorts and a long sleeve crop top, and head back to his place he puts on jeans and a long sleeved shirt and currently watching movies and ordering food. I put my head on his shoulder he kisses my head. Im glad to have someone like him in my life.

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