A childhood Promise-Monsta X I.M

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You're P.O.V
I was looking at the photos of me and him as children, tears left my eyes. As I put ever photo into a box, until I saw a current one of us I ripped that one to shreds. "I hate you so much Changkyun, I hate you but I hate the fact I love you the most," I Said to myself crying. I was taking about my childhood best friend Changkyun or I.M what he likes to be called. we have know each other since we were 10 and been inseparable until high school hit. He became a playboy dating one girl to the next along with his friends.

And that hurt because I liked him a lot, and heck I'm middle school when a girl in my class who bullied my told me, I will never get a boyfriend or husband because I wasn't that pretty and shy. But Changkyun told me that he would be those things and be my first everything. Yeah stupid 13 year old me believed him, man I'm a idiot.

Recently he started talking to me again a few weeks ago, last time we spoke was freshmen year of high school. We are now Juniors. But I found it strange but happy that he was hanging out with me again. But then I noticed he was trying to flirt or touch my hair, and I didn't want him to know I had a crush on him and I felt like he was up to something and I was right. I found out today why he was hanging out with me again.

I was walking around the school trying to find my friend Luda. When I walked past a classroom with the door cracked open, "I'm telling you guys she's not interested in me. So you guys were wrong," Said a familiar voice it was Changkyun. He was with Monsta X, "Dude we know she likes you, she might be one of those types that hide their feelings," Said Shownu, "really? I made the most stubborn of girls get in bed," Said I.M "Didn't you promise her back in middle school that you would be her husband one day?" Ask Wonho. I heard I.M laugh, "Yeah I promise her that but you really think I'm going to keep it, she is so boring now I need to finish this and move on to the next one," Said I.M.

I was in tears at this point, "Well hurry up and get her in bed," Said Kihyun "oh I will," Said I.M
End of flashback
After hearing that I ran home and cried my eyes out. That's where I am now, I deleted his number unfollowed him and blocked him and his friends on all my social media's. I heard a knock on my door Luda came in with some of the other girls. To make me feel better we are having a girls night tonight, Luda, Soobin, and Dayoung and I. I was supposed to meet up with I.M at a party but I'm not going, so we went out and had our fun.

The next day
I was walking with my friends into the building when Joohoney came up to us, "Hey I.M has been trying to call you since last night," he tells me. I ignore him, I walk away with the girls. "So what's the plan?" Ask Soobin "simple ignore him and his friends," I tell her. "He's going to try and get your attention soon," Said Luda. "He can try all he wants I don't care," I Said and we went to our classes, I was writing in my journal. When I heard someone clear their throat, I look at the person it was I.M.

"Hey where were you last night? I was worried and I had trouble calling you," he tells me. I ignore him and continue to write in my journal, "Hello? I'm talking to you," he tells me. I put my journal away and get out what I need for class. Before he can say anything else the teacher walked in and he went to his seat.

I was sitting with my friends outside, just talking when Wonho came up to me. "Hey I.M wants to talk to you," he tells me. I ignored him, Wonho then goes back to his table, Luda looks behind her. "Their all coming over here," she tells me. And they did I.M put both hands on the table and looks at me, "Hey I have been trying to talk to you all day wanting to know if you want to go to a movie or not," he tells me. "Did you all hear something?" I asked the girls. He was getting mad, "Hey!" He Said. I continue to ignore him, he then grabs my arm and drags me away.

We were outside, "What is with you?" He asked me. I didn't look at him or say anything, "seriously ignoring me again? I'm so sick of it, what is wrong ? Tell me what did I do?" He asked me. I look at him, "you really want to know?" I ask him. "Yes!" He Said "Simple asshole I found out the only reason you're hanging out with me because you want me to get in bed with you and I found out your were not planning to keep your fucking promise," I tell him while poking him in the chest, his eyes widened. "You are such a fucking asshole I knew in my heart you would never keep that promise I was just a fucking idiot for believing you back then. I'm a idiot for even liking you at all," I tell him.

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