Dating my father's righthand man-Highlight Doojoon

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You're P.O.V
I was walking home back from the movies with my friends, we went different ways but I know someone was following me, I got nervous my hand was in my pocket with my pocketknife I had it ready. I went into a alleyway and they followed, I got my knife and turned around quick but they grab my arm fast and pin me to the fence. It was dark so I couldn't see them, "Nice try princess," Said a familiar voice, "Doojoon?" I Said then a streetlight That was above us turned on, he was smirking at me. He lets go of my arms, I put my hands on his cheeks, "You scared me asshole I could have hurt you," I said.

"I wouldn't mind being cut up by you," he tells me and leans in and kisses me, I kiss back and wrap my hands around his neck. We stopped and I smiled at him, "Come on your father is waiting," he says "He does know I'm 26 years old right why does he still need to protect me and everything?" I asked "Come on Princess you know why if enemies of the mafia get a hold of you who knows what will happen you are the only child of the leader of the mafia," he reminds me. It's true my mother was killed when I was two years old by one of my father's enemies. And since then he has been protective of me.

I been begging him to let me have my own place but nope my old man is stubborn, not only that it's been hard to date because of my father. Not that my dad scared boys away it's because well how can you explain to a guy that you're father is the leader of the mafia? You can't they just run away like chickens, so I never really been with anyone until Doojoon I have know for a long time. He's three years older then me and he's my first boyfriend and my father's right hand man since he was 16. And we started a relationship 2 years ago but my father doesn't know about it.

I wonder what would happen if he did that's what worries me, we got into the car and we drove home. He held my hand in his.

We got back home, I went inside and said by to Doojoon. I walked upstairs knowing that my father wasn't home, I went into my room and took a shower and changed into some pajamas.
I then decided to call Doojoon even though he just left. "Yes My Princess?" He Said picking up right away. I smiled, "I was just wondering when can we tell my father about us?" I asked him. "Hopefully soon I'm actually off to go see him right now," he tells me. "Okay be careful I love you," I tell him. "I will love you too," He Said and we hanged up.

I hope he can try and tell dad. I sat on the couch that's connect to my window and looked outside.

End of You're P.O.V

Doojoon's P.O.V
I parked my car and look at the building I let out a breath. I grab something from my glove box, it was a little box, I opened it up.

I really want to ask her to marry me, but I need her father's approval first

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I really want to ask her to marry me, but I need her father's approval first. I got out of the car and put the box with the ring inside it in my pocket and walked into the building. I went into his office, "Doojoon my boy come in and sit down," he tells me, I sat down. He was looking at a email and got mad, "This idiot," he said "what idiot sir?" I asked him, "Oh a member of another gang who I once knew is asking me to let his son marry ______, ridiculous I won't let him or anyone marry my daughter," he said.

I got nervous, "You won't let anyone?" I asked "Well I would like grandchildren one day but I want it to be someone I can trust and treat her right. But of course she never dated anyone because they always run off after she tells them what I do. If only someone not afraid of me," he says. I couldn't hide it anymore, "Umm sir I actually have something to ask you," I tell him. "What is it?" He asked. "Please let me marry your daughter?" I asked him bowing my head, I look at him. His eyes widened, "Where is this coming from?" He asked me.

I looked at him, "you see Sir ______ and I Well we started a relationship two years ago and well we kept it hidden from you. We been wanting to tell you but we were worried of you're reaction. I apologize sir," I Said. He just sat there in silence, "Thank you for coming forward and telling me Doojoon but give me some time to think about this before I give you a answer Alright," he tells me. "Yes sir I will be leaving now," I tell him and I left.

End of Doojoon's P.O.V

You're P.O.V
I got out of class and was looking at my notes with my friend when a lot of people were surrounding a car. "What's going on?" She Said I look closer and recognized that car my eyes widened, "That's my boyfriend's car," I said "boyfriend? When did you get a boyfriend?" She asked me as we walk up to the car, Doojoon steps out of the car. I walk up to him "baby what are you doing here?" I asked him, "your father ask me to come get you," he tells me. "My father what why?" I asked "it's about us I'll explain on the way get in," he tells me. I got into the front seat and we drove off.

"So explain," I say to him. "I told your father last night about our relationship and I Well," he said "well what?" I asked he let out a breath, "open the glove box," he tells me. I was confused but did and I saw a little box it was a ring box. Open it," he tells me, I did my eyes widened and I covered my mouth. "Doojoon were you?" I Said "Yes I asked your father if I could but he hasn't responded to my question yet," he tells me. "Hopefully dad will say yes," I said.

We made it to my dad's work and went inside and into his office he was already there. "Sit down you two," he tells us, we did. It was quiet for a moment, "Daddy I," I said but he put his hand up to stop me, "I understand why you two kept it a secret because of my reaction and me being protective. But I can tell you Doojoon do care about her, you protect her. You listen to her when she is having a hard time. When I'm not home you are there with her or on the phone with her. I can tell she is able to call you her protector, her shoulder to cry on, her friend, and her love and soon husband and father to her children," he tells us. Our eyes widened.

"Sir," Said Doojoon, "Daddy are you?" I Said he smiled, "you have my blessing," he said. We both smiled, I hug my father and we left Doojoon held my hand and got out the ring from the box. And put it on my finger. We got to the car and just sat there, "I never thought in a million years I would find happiness with someone," Said Doojoon, "same here when you live in the world we live in," I Said he holds my hand with his, "I know look forward to the future with you," he says "same here," I Said I lean his way and kiss his lips.

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