When your EX wants you back-MBLAQ Seungho

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You're P.O.V
I was reading a book in my shared bedroom with my boyfriend who was taking a shower right now. I was trying to read but my phone kept on going off.
"Hey answer my text and calls."
"Why won't you answer?."
"I miss you."
"Please I'm sorry for what I did."
"Give me another chance and forget about Seungho."
"Please answer your phone."
The person who was texting me is my EX-boyfriend Keith, I broke up with him 4 years ago after he cheated on me for the 3rd time. A few months after that I met Seungho and been with him since. But just now recently Keith wants me back I don't know why?
I finally had enough slammed my book shut and texted him back with.
Listen to me asshole stop trying to contact me. I am happy with Seungho. He makes me smile unlike you he's honest with me and asks me if  I have problem with anything. He communicate with me unlike you. So stop it and leave me alone.
I sent the message and put my hands through my hair. "Are you ok?," someone asked me I look that way it is Seungho wearing some comfy pants, no shirt and with a towel around his neck.

I'm just wearing one of his shirts and my underwear with the shirt covering them. I looked at him "no he won't leave me alone," I told Seungho. "Awww my poor baby," he said being sarcastic. "I'm serious oppa ," I told him getting mad . "Ok ok I'm just trying to make you smile," he said . I felt bad I'm getting stressed out and angry and I'm taking it out on him. I got off the bed and stood up and hugged him. "I'm sorry I shouldn't take my anger out on you ," I said to him . He picked me up by my waist and made my legs wrap around him , I held on to his shoulders.

"Hey it's ok babe," he said "no it's not," I told him. He just smirked and pecked my lips. "Have you tried blocking him?," Seungho asks "yeah but he keeps on getting a new number, I even tried changing my number but he just finds out what it is. I don't get it what's his problem?," I told Seungho. "Well I guess he finally realized what he lost and not only that you have moved on," he said to me. "What should I do?," I asked him. Seungho walked us to the bed he sat down and scooted to the middle and laid his head down on a pillow I was now sitting on him .

He had one of his hands on the back of one of my thighs. "I think you need to text him asking him why and find out," he told me . I looked at him surprised "you want me to text my ex?," I asked him . "Yeah now," he said handing me my phone with his free hand. I took it and started texting Keith.

____: "Alright talk tell me why out of no where you want me back?"
Keith:"Finally you reply. I want you back because I miss what we had I know I messed up so bad. And seeing you with a different guy just makes me mad, so please comeback to me and leave him."
_____:"Umm no I'm not leaving Seungho. He makes me happy, he helps me out and talks to me like I told you before why would I leave him for you?"
Keith:"why won't you? He doesn't know you like I do. You and me have been together since high school."
____:"really? That was a long time ago and I have been with Seungho for 4 years and still going strong. Unlike how I was with you, we hardly argue he listens to me and I listen to him.
Keith:" Really you been together for 4 years and he still hasn't asked you to marry him ? Wow I would have asked you after a year."
____:"it does not matter. So what I'm not rushing to get married and he is not either."
"My god he is so dumb," I said "what did he say?," asked Seungho "that you have not asked me to marry you yet saying he would have asked me within a year," I told him "Umm it's called getting to know each other," said Seungho "hold on he's responding." I said .
Keith: "what does he have that I don't got?,"
____: "He is kind , He is loving. He is a gentleman, He takes me out on dates even when he does not want too. He does not buy me something when he is late or to make up for an argument. He listens to me, he asks me about my day, he cleans up after himself. He patient with me , he sings to me. Over all a great person I could talk about how amazing my boyfriend is all day long."
I smiled into my phone, "I think I just pissed him off," I told Seungho "what did you say?," asked Seungho. "He asked what you got what he doesn't have I told him that you just are amazing person," I told him . "Awww aren't you sweet did you tell him I can be a sarcastic asshole sometimes?," he asked "no," I said to him. I leaned in and pecked his lips.

My phone went off again. "Answer it," he told me . I looked at the text.
Keith: "Does He pleasure you at all?"
I went red. "He is asking about our sex life?," I told Seungho. Seungho smirked. "Here get off my lap for a second and give me your phone," he told me. I did and he sat up throw the towel somewhere. He had my phone in his hands. And he looked at me, "lay down," he told me I was confused and then I realized what he was going to do. "Baby no don't He is going to be scarred for life," I told him "you want him to leave you alone right?," he asked me smirking. "Yes," I said to him "then lay down ," he told me and I did and then he was on top of me his knees supporting him up .

And he called Keith and put him on speaker. "Hello?" Said Keith "Hey Keith this is Seungho _____'s Boyfriend," said Seungho "what do you want? Actually I'm glad you called I want her back." Keith demanded. "Sorry dude I'm not giving her up I am in love with her." He told Keith. "She was just telling me that she wants to leave you for me. We're were texting each other." said Keith "Umm dude I was the one who told her to text you she was with me sitting on my lap texting you she told me everything. So don't lie, and not only that why would she leave me for a guy that cheated on her 3 times." Said Seungho.

"You. Where is she?" Asked Keith . "She is right now under me in MY shirt in her underwear," said Seungho smirking. And then put his free hand under my shirt and grabbed my left breast . I moaned and covered my mouth, "did you hear that? She told me that you asked if I pleasure her? So I'm going to do that right now. So if I were you I would stop trying to call her and text her . Don't even try her social media's either. So leave my girlfriend alone and hang up or stay and listen because let's just say she won't be able to walk for a week when I'm done with her." Said Seungho. And squeezed my breast that he was holding and made me moan again.

And then all we heard is a dead beeping noise. "Well that takes care of that," said Seungho. And leaning over to put my phone on the little table next to our bed . I slapped his chest. "Ow," He said coving the part I hit with his free hand and took his other hand out of underneath my shirt. "What the hell woman?," he said "it should be me saying that why did you do that? That was embarrassing," I said "to get him to leave you alone and it worked," he said . And he leaned down with his arms supporting him and kissed my lips slipping his tongue in to my mouth. "Hmmm," I said I put my hands through his hair.

He let's go . "Babe what if he calls back?," I asked him "then we will send him a little video . But baby I don't think He is going to call I think he gets the message so do I get a thank you?," he said . I smiled at him and kissed his lips a few times. "You will get more than a thank you," I told him . He smirked and kissed my lips again.

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