I Will Not Lose You-TEEN TOP Niel

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So I don't know why I remember that drama called Angel 'N' Devil one night and that inspired me to make this so yeah enjoy.

You're P.O.V


I was pushed down to the ground by a girl, she stood there smirking while her friends laughed. "Freak," she said she then walked away with her friends, I sniffled. I then see my step-sister in the distance she just looks at me and rolls her eyes and walks away. "You saw the whole thing but didn't do anything," I said to myself, I pick up my books and bag and went left the school grounds. I found a near by park and sat under the fountain, I then look at myself in the water. I touched the burn scars that are on my face and neck, I have them all over my body.

When I was younger I was in a house fire with my mother it was really big and scary, I was asleep when it happened the fire was so bad that there was no way anyone would have survived somehow I did, I'm very lucky to be alive but I lost my mother in that fire. I have people see me as a freak and a monster. Even my step-mother and step-sister, if my real Mom was still alive she would hold me and tell me, I'm not a monster.

Tears left my eyes and hit the water, "I hate this!" I said. "Your scars are interesting," said a voice. I look and it was a boy, I got up and grab my stuff about to walk away when he grabs my hand, I try to get out of his grip but he was strong. "Leave me alone!" I tell him, he then makes me look at him, "So much sadness is in your eyes," he says to me. "Your weird," I said. He then lets go of me. "You survived something scary but are judged by others because of your appearance when they don't know your tale. Because of your appearance people hurt you causing you to hate yourself," he tells me. My hand turns into a fist, "I hate these scars, I hate them so much because of them others call me ugly, freak, monster, living dead girl, etc. I want it all to stop," I tell him. He takes my hand it his, "I won't be able to stop the bullying but I can hid your scars," he tells me.

I look at him confused, "I can grant your wish of hiding the scars," he tells me. "What are you talking about?" I ask him, he smiles and puts his hand on my cheek where one scar is and a strange glow came from his hand. He then removes his hand from my face and hands me a mirror. I look and it was gone, "How?" I ask, "I am not from this world, I'm a guardian of the heavens, you see _______ there is cruel things that are happening in this world magical beings devils, and my job is to find a team of angels who all have magic that is locked up inside them, and you are one of them." he tells me. "If I'm a angel why did this happen to me? Why can't I unlock is magic that I have?" I ask him, "Even angels go through something horrible, and in order to me to find you, events like this happen even the girl who is my current angel went through something bad, only I can unlock your magic. I can't make all the bad things go away I can only grant one wish for you and you need to figure out the rest," he tells me.

I nodded, "In order to unlock my magic and my wish what do you want?" I ask him, "I need you as my angel to help me get rid of the evil in this world, like I already said I already have one but I need a team, if you agree I will get rid of your scars but if you don't I will have to wipe your memory of meeting me so what do you say?" he asked me. His hand was glowing gold ready for me to shake it. I took a deep breath and grabbed his hand, "I'll do it," I said, he smiled then something happened gold dust around me and then it was gone. I look in the mirror again my scars on my face were gone, I gave him the mirror and I look at my arms and legs. "Their gone," I said, "Check your neck," he tells me. I touch something it was a necklace, angel wings. "Those wings are yours I will teach you how to control your magic but right now come there's someone I want you too meet," he tells me. I nodded, "Hey you never told me your name," I said to him, he smiles. "Niel," he tells me. "Got it," I said. "Come," he said and I followed him.

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