I have never forgotten you-Nu'est JR

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You're P.O.V
Dear beautiful _____
How are you? I can't believe I have been writing to you for almost 2 years now. But I think today the notes will stop, I want to meet you in person so please come to Choi Minki aka Ren Party tonight and meet me behind the tall trees in the backyard they are coved in blue and yellow lights . I can't wait to meet you .
You're secret admirer.

I smiled at the note he wants to meet me tonight, even though I got a invite from Ren I was not planning on going , don't get me wrong Ren is a nice person and really sweet but I'm just not a party person . But tonight I will go , I have no idea who he is but he has been sending me notes since the 1st week of 1st year of high school . "Hey _____-ah ," someone said I looked it was my best friend Nayoung (Pristin) she walked up to me "hey Nayoung what's up?," I asked "nothing much you got another note ?," she asked . I nodded my head yes "awesome what does it say ?," she asked "he wants to meet me tonight at Ren's party," I said.

"Really omg are you going ?," she asked "I was not planning to even though I was invited but I'll go are you going ?," I asked "well yeah I got a invite too but I'm so excited for you ," she said . We started walking to class Nayoung was talking about something but I was so lost in thought I bumped into someone and fell down. "I'm so sorry I didn't me too," I said not looking at the person "watch where you're going next time ," they said . I looked up it was Jonghyun aka JR with the rest of Nu'est he looked mad I got up . "I'm sorry ," I said again I was still holding the note , then someone took it out of my hands it was Sara the meanest girl in school and JR's self proclaimed girlfriend "omg _____ who would be sending you love notes is this boy blide," she laughed I looked down . "At least she does not have to try to get a boy to like her unlike you ," said Nayoung . "Whatever this is a joke," she said and was about to rip it . "Don't," I said .

JR took the note from her and gave it to Minhyun to give to me , "Oppa what," she said "listen to me knock it off one thing I hate about people is taking something that is not yours," he said and walked away . Minhyun smiled at me , Baekho winked , Aron patted my head , and Ren waved and said "_____-ah, Nayoung -ah I hope you guys come to night ," he said walking away . "Don't worry we will ," she said .   I checked the note to see if it was ripped it was not thank goodness, "man JR confuses me ," said Nayoung . I looked at her, "why is that ?," I asked "Well you two grew up together your mom's were best friends what happened again? why does he treat you so coldly again?," she asked "I don't know he moved away when we were 7 and kept contact but when we were 14 he told me to stop contacting him and then he moved back here for high school," I said . "That boy is confusing and you still have the bracelet he gave you ?," she asked . I reached in my shirt pocket and took out a black beaded bracelet and it had a single charm a red dragon. "Yeah I still have it I doubt he has my ring anymore ," I said and we headed to class.

"I want you to have this ," I said I handed Jonghyun my ring with a purple heart, "you're favorite ring?," he said "yeah so you have something of me ," I said "then I want you to have something of mine too," he said . And he removed his bracelet off his right wrist, "your bracelet?," I said "yep," he said . I took it and put on my left wrist and he put on my ring . "Jonghyun come on sweetheart say goodbye ," said his mom . We looked at each other and hugged one last time and he let go and went into the car and waved bye .
I was tearing up mom came up and went down to my height, "don't worry baby it's goodbye for now not forever you'll see each other again soon," she said hugging me .
End of Flashback

"Yeah mom you were right but why is he such a jerk now?  he's not my Jonghyun anymore ," I said to myself looking at the bracelet that he gave me , ever since that day I have always worn it but when he moved back and started being a jerk I took it off but I always carried it around with me . I don't know what he has done with my ring , I hope he didn't lose it . When he started being a jerk when he sent me that message I was depressed but then I met Nayoung and she has been my best friend since she knows everything about me and I know everything about her I know that she has a crush on Hansol (Seventeen Vernon) and he will be there tonight.

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