Dating my ex-BFF ex-boyfriend- B1A4 Jinyoung

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You're P.O.V
My back was resting on the lockers while I was holding hands with my boyfriend, we were talking when the bell rang time to go to class. "Come on I'll take you to class," he tells me. I smile and we started walking to my class, "I'll see you in a bit Okay," he tells me. "Okay," I said he pecks my lips and went to his class, I went to my seat and sit next to my best friend Binnie (OMG) .
"Well someone is having a good morning so far," she said "yeah," I said. I felt eyes on me from a certain someone I ignored it. But they were burning into my soul, "Don't pay any attention to her, she's just jealous because JinYoung managed to move on from her," she tells me. "I just don't get her, she broke up with him," I tell her. "And dumped you as well as her BFF when you have done so much for her," Said Binnie.

We were talking about my ex-best friend Anna, who was my BFF from elementary to 1st year of high school. She stopped being my friend when she got popular even dumped JinYoung who she was dating for about a year from 8th grade to high school freshman year saying she needs a real man not a baby faced boy. So when that happened JinYoung calls me and tells me what happened he came over and since then me and him who were already friends started hanging out more and more. And we started dating for about a year now and Anna is pissed off.

Right now she is sitting behind me just staring at me. Class started and I can't pay attention because of Anna, then a pen hit the back of my head.  I turn around and Anna quiet said to me "whore," she said I rolled my eyes and turn back around, she has been like this since JinYoung and I Started dating. She then throw a paper ball at me, I picked it up and opened it.

                 Break up with JinYoung

I put it away and focused on my work.

A few hours later
We were at lunch and JinYoung and I were sitting across from each other I told him what happened. "I don't get her at all," Said JinYoung, "what can we do?" I asked him, "I don't know but don't let her bother you okay she did this to herself. To be honest I'm glad she broke up with me," he tells me. "Why?" I asked "because I wouldn't be able to be with the beautiful girl sitting across from me," he tells me winking at me and smiling. I blushed, as we were talking Anna came over to us. "JinYoung Oppa can I talk to you?" She asked him all sweet like.

JinYoung looks at her annoyed, "no you can't I'm talking to my girlfriend," he tells her, she looks at me pissed off. "Please Oppa just for a minute," she begged him, he was getting annoyed. "No go away and leave us alone and stop calling me Oppa," he tells her. She was getting mad since she was not getting her way, then out of no where she screams bloody murder everyone was looking at us now. I was so embarrassed at this point she always did this she would scream on the top of her lungs if she didn't get what she wanted and it was embarrassing.

"WHY WONT YOU BREAK UP WITH HER? YOU WERE MINE FIRST, AND I DONT SHARE!!!" She Yelled. I got up and looked at her, "Look Anna I'm going to say this nice and slowly so you can understand me okay? I will not be breaking up with JinYoung because you are jealous of the fact he has moved on Okay you got that was that slow enough for ya?" I say to her. She was getting more mad, "You just took him from me because I dumped him and you, you whore," she says to me. "How did I take him away from you when you dumped him in the first place? And we didn't start dating right away no we were friends and it just turned into something more. You are just mad and jealous that we mange to move on from you and forget about you. So stop acting like a child and grow up," I tell her.

She was red of embarrassment and ran out of the cafeteria. JinYoung walked over to me and kisses my head. "That was awesome babe," he tells me. I smiled.

After school
JinYoung and I were walking out of the school and heading out to the cafe we enjoy. "Do you think she will leave us alone now?" I asked him, "hopefully but you never know, but she won't get what she wants in the end we know the really her," he tells me. I nodded, "well nothing else to do but to keep moving forward," I said "yep," he said.

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