Stay with me-Bang Yongguk

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You're P.O.V
I hid in a room covering my ears for hearing the screams of my comrade getting eaten by the undead. Dumbass decided to act like a wild animal in here and guess what noise attracts them and so they came and found some of us. I got up and left the room and shot one straight in the head and ran, from the other two. As I was running one came out of now where and now was on top of me trying to bite my neck I kept on blocking it until it got removed from me. And got shot including the other two.

"Yongguk," I Said . He grabs my hand making me get up. "Come on there's more coming," he tells me and drags me, as we ran. And went out into the back where the rest of the group was alive. "Travois that idiot he deserves to die after making those noises," said Blake . "Whatever lets get going," Said Yongguk. I was looking down, "_____ come on," said Lily "coming," I said seeing the venom leaving my wrist and then the bite mark healed like it never happened. (AN: I know zombies don't have venom. But it's my story I'll do what I want.)

That's right I'm immune but I'm not the only one my 7 year old brother is too. We weren't born like this no our father who was a scientist along with others did tests on us so many awful tests. My mother was also a subject but she died, when finally they made someone into one of the undead Jun and I both got bit but the venom left our body's and the bite mark was gone including scratches as well. And of course they thought it would be a smart idea to release this deadly virus all over the place and use us who carry the cure but things didn't go as plan.

Even since then it been me and Jun until we found a group of people. That took us in and everyday I slowly regret taking their offer, because the leader is fucking crazy, kills anybody who gets in his way using the undead as entertainment. Torments anybody who breaks his rules, and all the women have to be his "wives" if they don't want to they have to work around the place we are protected by a wall its a kind of a small town. The man is just insane, he offered me to be his son's wife since I'm only 17 and his son is the same age but I refused and didn't mind working on getting supplies as long that Jun stays with me and doesn't go near anybody else. I don't trust half of the people there.

They scare Jun so he mostly stays in our apartment he's pretty much the only child there well there is other kids but there all in their teens he's the youngest. The man agreed to it, nobody knows that me and Jun are immune if they found out who knows what will happen.

We loaded up in the truck, I was going to sit in the back but Yongguk stopped me. "Your sitting with me in the front," he tells me. I look at him pissed off, "man dude still trying to hook up with her? She already rejected being your wife," said Tanner yep Yongguk is the man's son. I sat in the front and put my bag in my lap and he started up and we drove off.

As we were driving it was quite, "What's in your bag?" He asked me. "Stuff for Jun some learning books and some toys and a coloring book with crayons," I tell him. "Learning book? What's the point of getting him that?" He asked me . "The point is I still want my brother to have some sort of education," I tell him getting annoyed with him, "okay whatever I just don't see the point of it he might get eaten one day," he says to me . I was now even more angry, "don't tell me stuff like that," I tell him with a serious tone.

We finally got back the gate open and we drove in and stopped I got out of the truck and slammed the door. And headed home, "wait _______ I'm sorry," Said Yongguk "save it asshole," I tell him. And continue to head home, I went up the stairs and go up to mine and Jun's door and unlocked it and went in, I shut and locked the door. "Jun?" I said then I heard little feet he comes up to me and hugs me. "Welcome home sis," he says I smiled. "Come on I got some stuff," I tell him. We sit down on the floor next to mini table, I open my bag and hand him a math and reading book. The color book and it's crayon's and then two robot toys I found. "You like them?" I asked he smiled really big. "Yeah thanks sis," he says to me and hugs me. I kiss his head and hug him back.

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