Meeting again-Monsta X Wonho

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Trigger warnings
You're P.O.V

"WHY!!" I Yelled as I was hitting the person who was holding the gun, it was a guy named Dae, my parents and the person who was dead parents were there too. "WHY DID YOU KILL HIM?!? HE DID NOTHING TO YOU!!" I yelled at him. "HE STOLE YOU FROM ME!!" He yells back. I then walk to the body of my now dead boyfriend. I started crying on his chest, "Dae why do this? Why did you have to do this? Why did you have to do this?" Said my father.

"Why are you asking? You didn't want her to be with a no good thug, you wanted her with me!" He tells my father. "YOU TOOK AWAY SOMEONE'S SON!!" My father yelled . "Hoseok why? We told you she would just bring you trouble," Said Hoseok's father. I was crying on Hoseok chest that was bloody , "my baby!" Cried his mother. My mother hugging her, "I'm sorry I'm so sorry!" She tells her. I just kept on crying, "you promised me you would never leave me! You promised me that you wouldn't let anything separate us!" I cried to

Then his father walked over to me, "get up dear please," he tells me. But I didn't want to move or be a part from Hoseok, he then got down to my level wiped his tears away and put a arm on my shoulder. The police then came and arrested Dae. Then the Medical professionals took Hoseok's body away. I still had tears leaving my eyes but I was silent.

My mother hugs me, his mother was next to me while my father and his were talking to the police. "It's my fault, it's all my fault," I Said. His mother looks at me, "it's not your fault," she tells me. "Yes it is if only we never met this wouldn't have happened," I cried.

The next day
I was laying in my bed, Hoseok's funeral will be in a few days. "It's only been a day but it feels like forever," I Said to myself. My parents were asleep right now. I then got up from my bed and opened a drawer and grab. (Trigger warning) my box cutter and a bottle of pills. And I then look at my ring Hoseok gave me it was a simple ring with the word Forever engraved into it. I sat on my bed and felt more tears leave my eyes.

"I know you would want me to live a happy life, but I can't without you. I just can't," I Said out loud to myself, I slowly cut my arm with the box cutter it hurt so much and seeing so much blood leave. I felt dizzy I then grab the pills and opened them along with some water. I look at the photo of Hoseok  and I on the drawer next to my bed. More tears left and I took a handful of the pills and drank the water.

I felt even more dizzy then I blacked out.

I woke up from my dream in sweat an breathing heavily, I hugged myself trying to calm down. I felt tears leaving my eyes, "that dream again why?" I ask myself. I been having the same dream as long as I can remember it felt so real and I was scared. Because of that dream I have had a fear of sharp objects and blood. If I see a drop of blood I admittedly start to hyperventilate or faint, a sharp object manly box cutters I start to turn white as a ghost and shake. Pills also scare me, One is fine but if I see a handful it makes me sick.

I look at my left arm there was a long scar on it, I don't know how I got it. I was born with it according to my mother, I felt like I couldn't go back to sleep after what I saw. I look at my alarm clock it was almost time for classes, I then got up took a shower and changed into.

 I look at my alarm clock it was almost time for classes, I then got up took a shower and changed into

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