My Boyfriend doesn't know I kick-ass-F.CUZ KAN

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This pretty much F.CUZ MV No.1 so yeah.

You're P.O.V

I shot a guy in his leg and he fell to the ground screaming, I walk up to him. "Now tell me where that data is," I tell him, "Okay okay you crazy bitch it's in the computer over there but not like you will be able to get into it you need the pass-code," he tells me. I smirk, "You must not know me or my family," I tell him and walk over to the computer and did my thing and got in, I put in my flash-drive and did my thing, then I heard something from behind, a gun. I dodge and shot back, then someone grab me from behind and their hands were on my chest. "Oh hell no!" I said and got out of the grip and broke this guys arm.

"Do not touch me!" I tell them, three more guys came out, I let out a breath. "Really? How many guys does Ling have?" I said and they started to fight me and well bones were broken, then I heard my phone go off, I get it out and saw the caller ID.

I put my hand up to the guy I was fighting, "Sorry can you wait a second please," I ask him "Umm sure," he said. "Thank you," I said and answered the call. "Hi Oppa!" I said. " Hi baby where are you right now?" He asked me. "Oh busy working on homework right now," I tell him, I then saw from the corner of my eye a sniped I get out one of my knives and threw it at him and he screamed. " What was that?" He asked me. "Oh nothing just a movie for background noise I got to go babe love you bye," I said and hanged up really fast, I look at the guy that was waiting. "Boyfriend?" he asked "Yeah," I said "Handsome?" he asked me. "Very and sweet for the first three months we been together he wrote me a song and preformed it in front of a crowd," I tell him, "Girl he's a keeper," he said "I know but anyway back to business," I tell him and we started fighting again with me winning.

I look around and I was the only one standing and the computer finished transferring the data into my flash-drive I get it and put in my pocket. "Well then boys got to go tell Ling I said hi!" I said and left.



I walk into the gym with a plastic bag with water and some fresh cold fruit slices, where the boys were practicing their punches for boxing

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I walk into the gym with a plastic bag with water and some fresh cold fruit slices, where the boys were practicing their punches for boxing. I smile, Yejun pointed at me and Kan looks at me and smiles. I walk up to the guys, "Hi I bought you guys some water and fruit," I tell them. "Awesome!, Thanks!" said Jinon and Daegun. We sat down and I passed out everything, Kan sat next to me and kisses my cheek. I then heard my phone go off, I look it was a text from my Dad.

Dad: Good job honey! Mom and I will look at the data that you collected and take things over from here right now relax.

I smile and put my phone away, "What was that?" Yejun asked me. "Oh Dad he saw that I did really well on my research paper," I lied. He just nodded his head. I took a bite of an apple slice trying to stay calm, when Kan grabs my right hand that was covered with a bandage wrap, earlier when the fight happened I didn't dodge fast enough and grabbed the knife that was being thrown at me. "I accidentally cut myself with a kitchen knife last night when I was helping Mom cook. I'm okay," I tell him. I look at him hope he believes me. He then kisses my wrap hand, "Be careful okay I don't want my baby to get hurt," he tells me. I smile and put my head on his shoulder, "I will," I said.

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