-Daughter of the Gods by prodigiousflames [Rev. Bun]

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Book Name: Daughter of the Gods

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Book Name: Daughter of the Gods

Author: ProdigiousFlames

Reviewer: Bun _wxld_thxstle_

Cover: 04/05

The cover, unlike many others I’ve come across, did not fail to give the theme of the book. It matched the theme very well and it is pretty too.
But the cover is too flashy but somewhat dark at the same time. I suggest increasing the brightness of the model used on the cover.

Though the font is nice and placed well, it should’ve been of a lighter color and somewhat bright to go with the entire book cover. Also, it would’ve been better if the words were above the stick the girl is holding. They might’ve looked prettier and catchy.

Title: 03/05

Though accurate and connected, the title is not really catchy and it doesn’t go with the main theme of the book, which is mostly Ishani’s and Karna’s bonding.

Keeping it or changing it would be your decision, but all I can say is that it’s connected to the main theme but not attractive.

Synopsis: 06/10

The synopsis is fine. It’s relevant to the book.
But a synopsis shouldn’t only be relevant, but it should be beautifully written and interesting to read; it makes the reader intrigued with your book and should also get a glimpse of your language skills and professionalism. But your blurb was quite simple and not very fancy. It was moderately intriguing, but I feel there could’ve been something more to it.

Making it more mysterious but connected to the book is what I suggest. I trust you with more creativity for the synopsis.

Execution: 06/10

Execution is very important in a book. It is a crucial factor in deciding how the book turns out to be.
As for your execution, though it wasn’t really bad, it wasn’t very good, and an improperly executed book isn’t as interesting and enjoyable.

The characters got along very fast. It’s not really acceptable. They started liking each other since the first meeting, which is too sudden and illogical at some point.
Also, everyone accepted Ishani’s habits and modern culture very soon. It’s somewhat absurd. I mean, women have had a long struggle to just go to school. But in Ishani’s case, everyone is being too understanding and allowing.

I suggest adding some conflicts too here. No one can be so perfect for the people to accept, even if they’re fictitious.

The pace of the plot is fast; you don’t elaborate on the incidences and happenings much. It makes the book very rushed and confusing for a moment.
I suggest elaborating every scene and every event which is crucial for the book. You should add some descriptive writing to the book to make it more interesting and convincing. The pace should be slowed and more time must be taken for the characters to bond together and get along.

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