-The masked demon by miwaknight [Rev. Lals]

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Book Name: The Masked Demon

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Book Name: The Masked Demon

Author: miwaknight

Reviewer: Lals ( @Taebaetae74 )

Cover: 4.5/05

It was almost perfect! There were no placement errors or anything like that. But you could like avoid the texts covering those hands (?) So . . . yeps.

Title: 03/05

Yes, the title suits the book. But, I think I have come across a lot of books named so, you know? You could’ve chosen something more . . . entrancing? But the current title does well too.4

Synopsis: 09.5/10

It was good actually. There wasn’t too much revealed- just enough. No errors in the grammar were noticed either.

P.S. Loved the last part of the synopsis lmao-

Execution: 10/10

The execution was all good too. Especially liked the chapter title-display style. The chapters were of a good length and there were little to no mistakes noticed.

Plot: 19/20

Okay, so the plot was amazing. I’m not going to creep you out with my fangirling, but it was good. I mean, there are books out there with a similar plot but this book’s execution was just amazing. Many a times, authors have good plots, but fail to No plots holes either. 

Writing Style: 19/20

First off, this is basically the first time I’m giving up a 19 on 20 under writing style for a book. I don’t go above 16 mostly. So yes, that’s how much I respect your style. You do not provide too much info neither is it boring. People who like this genre would honestly love this book. So yes, good job!

Grammar & Vocabulary: 19/20

Nope. No errors noticed. I don’t know if what I’m about to say is about is bad, bad damn I’m like reading through your book with hawk eyes trying to find an error so that I can make myself look all professional. But nah, your book is too good. Keep up the good work.

Characters & Development: 04/05

The characters were good. The way you’ve given each character its own spotlight is appreciable. I couldn’t catch much on the development, but you’ve still done a good job.

Emotions Conveyed: 4.5/05

Yeps. You did the job. Like I said before, you provide enough details, including the emotions. 

Total: 92.5/100

Final Note: To start off, this review has about 500 words. And that’s like, the shortest review I’ve ever written. Most of the reviews I write go over a thousand; so for that, hats off ;)

You’re doing amazing as of now, sweetie. Keep up the hard work.

 Keep up the hard work

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