-Drop by coraline005 [Reviewer Elinah]

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Book 'Drop' by Coraline005

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Book 'Drop' by Coraline005

All in all score to achieve: 100

For following the said rules: 5/5

Thank you for following all the rules💖

Reader interaction: 5/5

As for the book cover: 4.9/5

Written description: 5/5

Chosen book title: 5/5

Story plot: 9.4/10

Grammarian: 20/20

The plot-twist: 6.4/10

Character development: 9/10

Creative way in writing: 8/10

Opinion rate for the book: 10/10

{My favorite, damn part!}
•First and foremost, I would want to say thank you so much for picking me as a reviewer for an amazing book of yours. My comments aren't made and meant to offend or send hate in any form. I hope I won't hurt you with my following opinions :)

•As for the book cover, it was eye-catching and I have to say; impressive. I may not be a professional book reviewer, but I have witnessed some book covers that may have gone a bit overboard with the design, and some are just too plain to attract one's attention. It's a great first impression for the readers.

•Description is decent at it's finest. It wasn't giving off some spoiler vibes, though it might be improved. Looking through my own mirror of opinions, maybe you could try and make it more immaculate to hook a fellow one. But overall, it was really cool to start off with.

•Your grammar is really nice to begin with. I haven't encountered any grammatical error, yet, you may need to expand your certain vocabulary to please the readers more. By your writing, I'd say the writing may be optional on how, but maybe you could try by paragraph, not too long, not too short. Just right.

•The character development was perfect. It wasn't too slow, nor too fast either. As a time passes, it's really hard to read a book with the appropriate character development, also for the emotions they portrayed.

•The given plot as of now isn't bad as it seems. Although I haven't read the book entirely because it was still ongoing, I would say it was a nice plot. It wasn't the common, cliché plot you'd always see.

•Some of the tips I will give you are only based on my experiences as an aspiring writer like you. Though you might see books that are being recognized a lot, never doubt your own skills because that's you and your awesome capabilities. Working on with your flaws will help you improve a lot more better than before.

•Some scenes should may be a bit descriptive to get the readers more intrigued. Since it's very likely the important factor in writing, maybe you could focus on that.

• Sometime, you may get hate comments for doing nothing, and even if I haven't got any thing, I know how much it hurts. So I ever you get notified by a mean comment,throw it, reject it away and only focus on the bright and lively comments,on that was, it'll give you more determination to help your self write for your lovely readers. As by reading it, you potential is very clear and it's great to see someone who's very passionate with what they're doing.

I can't say anything bad because your creation is almost flawless. Keep it up and maybe you'll get surprised of what future awaits for an author like you.

~i hope that my mere opinion helps. Have a nice day and keep going, bub! 💖✨

 Have a nice day and keep going, bub! 💖✨

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