-Purple Rain by -Taesflower- [Rev. Suzy]

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Book: Purple rain

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Book: Purple rain

Author: -Taesflower-

Title: 7/10

As the story reaches its end, the title becomes more and more intimidating, effective and meaningful. I'd usually suggest anyone to go for a complex or extremely rare title but yours is just perfect. It fits the story well and helps the flow.

Cover: 4/10

The cover is aesthetic and a good designing piece but it fails to convey any sort of message regarding the book plot or storyline. Why not try some purple magic since It's called purple rain? Use pastel purple and grey color scheme, a couple standing as it rains would be a good bg choice as well. You can give your female lead a face claim and use it in the cover. There's so much more to improve, do consider my suggestions if you decide to change the cover, It'd honestly attract a lot more people.

Description: 2.5/5

The dialogues are essential and intriguing enough so you did a good job there. When the dialogues end, add a comma and add a full stop (periodt) at the end of sentences, i.e, after 'he said' and 'she replied'

Also instead of stating 'Taehyung short story (sad)' you can use a better adjective ex: angst instead of sad.

Reader’s Interaction: 3 /5

It is Impressive that your readers feel every emotion that you're trying to put forth. Sobbing and blaming you in every comment proves that your angst did it's magic so be proud of it~ However, it'd be great to see more comments since the book got around 1k+ reads.

Plot: 6 /10

I do agree that your book is absolutely a good read and is worth the time, but the plot does go a little common, try to add a few twists if you intend to, the current one is good as well though so It's totally up to you.

Grammar: 9/20

You really have to have few proof reads throughout the book, the initial chapters are well written but as I move on few common mistakes were observed, lemme point them out,

Comma usage: You're overusing the commas, almost every single sentence has it and when you're already using 'and' I don't think anymore commas are required before or after 'and' whenever the sentence is ending.

Gender wording errors. For example, in a sentence around the 7th or 8th chapter there's a moment when the main protagonists hug, at that very scene description you used she instead of he.

Spelling errors.

example: 'The way they kiss, they way they hug, they way they get seperated....' here you can see the 'they' typo instead of 'the'

Tense mistakes.

Using the same tense throughout the chapter is usually preferred but you have few tense errors within sentences as well,

ex: 'I was not in the state to told you' could be written as 'I wasn't in the state to tell you back then."

There are many word repetitions as well.

Ex: I know their health isn't well but they should do their work!" now repeating the same words isn't absolutely wrong but using a comparatively 'better' or 'different' word would absolutely make it pleasing to read.

"I'm aware that their health isn't the best right now but they should try to sort out their work!"

They say said is dead, it's not wrong to use said but trying more adjectives isn't a bad choice as well. instead of using 'said' you can use words which define their action and their tone, ex: shout, mumble, scream, growled, hissed, etc. There are many alternatives.

Also in this particular sentence from the book,

"It's okay, if I'll hide something from you and tell you later on, will you be mad?" she said.

instead of 'said' you can use phrases like, she asked, she questioned, she inquires, etc.

Plot twists and attraction: 5/10

Try to not give many hints, there weren't many plot twists and the book was almost predictable but It's well written so it makes up for the loss.

Emotions and character development: 6/10

As a love story it's absolutely dreamy and painful seeing the female protagonist's desire to die with her soulmate but in practical life situations her decision is wrong. I wouldn't press more on this topic since It's an angsty book but the female lead needs more character development.

Creativity and way of writing: 7/10

The simile and metaphor usage was Impressive. Your descriptive writing is beautiful but your dialogues absolutely need some brush up, many of the dialogues are heard or read somewhere, do try to add your own magic in the dialogues.

Your opinion on the book: 6/10

Total Marks: 55.5 /100

5 /100

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