-Deep into you by kimsuga86 [Rev. Anika]

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Book Name: Deep Into You

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Book Name: Deep Into You

Author: kimsuga86

Reviewer: FrozenHeartsGalaxy (Anika)

Cover: 4/05

The cover is simple and plain but the choice of image is new and eye-catching, plus matches the plot. The font style and position is admirable, it looks simple and professional.

Title: 4/05

The title isn't very unique but it is attention-grabbing and matches the plot aka Taehyung's feelings toward Lilly.

Synopsis: 6/10

The blurb is short with Taehyung's POV and poetry. It didn't reveal anything about the plot but the main characters' chemistry shown in this short interaction seems quite interesting so hence it did grab my attention. The fact he snapped at her in caution and the poet below tells his yearning feelings toward her made me curious about their relationship and bonding. Lastly, don't give space before punctuation such as a question or exclamation mark.

Execution: 9/10

The pace of the story is balanced and smooth. Even though the chapters were short, you were still able to unfold the overall story without rushing anything. It is praiseworthy how you narrated in the blurb that he stopped her from coming close to the poisonous flower, portraying him as a caring person. But the table turned in the last chapter.

Plot: 18/20

I love how the author first made the plot look simple, sweet and beautiful but then gave the darkest plot twist in the end. It is a short story but the unexpected shock will surely stay in my mind the whole day and probably this may happen with other readers as well. You have a talent at making readers not forget about the events and incidents narrated in the book. Taehyung's thoughts did foreshadow it but I love how you fooled the reader halfway indirectly giving them hope that nothing bad will happen but in the end also the readers who were still expecting it didn't fail to get surprised once more. One more thing I would like to say is that your story was very informative about the flowers. I learned a lot about the flowers I never knew existed and the lesson of never trusting anyone too.

Writing Style: 19/20

Your writing style is very detailed, well-explained, easy to imagine and understand. The descriptions are well-defined and they really made me get immersed in this impressive story.

Grammar & Vocabulary: 15/20

There are no grammar and vocabulary mistakes but there are two holes in the punctuation. One is ellipsis and second is unnecessary space before punctuations like question or exclamation mark, I already mentioned in the synopsis. The mistake you make in ellipsis is adding just two dots instead of three. Kindly re-read the chapters and edit these minor mistakes.

Characters & Development: 7/10

Taehyung's emit so decent and gentlemanly vibes, even his inner thoughts regarding Lilly were so sweet except for the obsessed one's. But because of the sweet one's, I never thought the creepy persona would ever take over him. I really love the choice of the female lead's name  because the flower symbolizes many good things and how Taehyung mentioned them at the right moment to give her strength. You made the characters and their every aspect like a perfect puzzle to fit in the plotline which shows your effort in thinking of building up their character sketch. Their behaviour was realistic and reasonable except for the part when Lilly said she still loved Jungkook because I think the choice of words made it look rushed. It would be much better if she indirectly hinted she still didn't get over Jungkook. Overall, the character's emotions and feelings were delivered successfully through your writing style. Jungkook cheated but you still made me prefer him over Taehyung because at least he doesn't murder physically. 

Total: 82/100

Total: 82/100

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