-Oh my baby by liv__bee [Rev. Suzy]

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Athena batch 6 book 2

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Athena batch 6 book 2

Title: Oh my baby!

author: liv__bee

Reviewer: Suzy

No. of chapters: 34

Title: 6/10

The title is pretty accurate, though it could have had something more unique and attractive. 

Cover: 7/10

The cover gives soft and peaceful vibes, it would be better to add a cute baby in the cover as well so as to show the role of the baby. The plotline revolves around that so it'd be more specific to have a baby in the cover alongside the main leads.

Description: 3 /5

I have mentioned this many times and I'd say that again, adding dialogues beautifies the description. Also, you were very brief about the plot, would it be better if you'd have dropped some hints about the pregnancy incident, maybe mention about the night they had to stay in a suite? 

Reader’s Interaction: 2 /5

You got few dedicated readers but your book goes dry at times, ending up by making many of the readers lose interest so do try to add a little humour and suspense.

Plot: 4 /10

Nothing extremely new or unheard, the story just roams all around the friends and the pacing is messed up. 

Grammar: 15/20

Brunet is usually used for female's so maybe use another adjective? 

'taking a seat his the raven head on the couch' : sentence formation error.

His eyes widened at realization dawned upon him : as instead of at

Your grammar is pretty good, there aren't many mistakes, just few typos and lack of punctuation marks. Do try to use commas more often, instead of breaking a sentence into two you can just attach them with a comma when referring to the same action and subject. 

Plot twists and attraction: 3/10

I'll be extremely honest here. Your book is good, the grammar and plot is pretty okay and the scenes are logical but there's no proper suspense development. 

Emotions and character development: 4/10

Emotions, as in your descriptions, are written well but I can't actually feel them well you know? it's missing the vibe, you really need to adopt a little flowery language and idiomatic phrases, they boost up the humour and suspense. 

If I'm not wrong you're referring both Chanyeol and Sehun as CEO? That's absolutely confusing. 

Creativity and way of writing: 1/10 

No offense but though your grammar is good and your dialogues are properly formed, your book suddenly goes dry and I personally think that's the biggest minus point in your book. To be more specific, the pacing. Your pacing is uneven, some chapters are dragged out which contain no plot or importance while the parts which actually need details are cut short. For example you gave so much time to the 'friends' , the 'meet ups' but there weren't many actual well detailed main character moments. If you want to keep your readers interested, you should focus more on the bigger picture. The friends and family absolutely play a necessary role but the main characters are called protagonists for a reason. I'm not sure if you'd absolutely agree with me but I voiced out what was necessary. I'm not saying that being descriptive and well detailed is wrong, what I want to convey is that it's making the book dry. You need to keep your readers on the edge of their seat throughout the journey. Your book is a soft fluff one but that doesn't mean it cannot have major plot twists or back stories of Its own. The story gets interesting in the later chapters but your initial one's also need to have the power of keeping the readers hooked up.

Your opinion on the book: 3/10

Please do give the 'm-preg' warning in the description of the book and also work a little more on your descriptions.

Total Marks: 48 /100

Total Marks: 48 /100

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