-A favor by -angelkim- [Rev. Riya]

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Book Name: A Favor/KTH

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Book Name: A Favor/KTH

Author: -ANGELKIM-

Reviewer: Riya

Book Title: 7.5/10
I like the book title. I like mysteries and stuff and when I read it I felt attracted to it. Though, it could she been something more creative it's still good.

Book Cover: 7/10
I think the book cover was just like too much in a single scene. As far as I have read I think Y/N's character was much more important than Taehyung's. So it could have been like you showing a shadow of a girl as Y/N and Taehyung and something like that.  I still found the cover interesting. And I think you can still do better. ✊🏻

Description: 4/5
I found it interesting. But I kinda suggest you to shorten it down, and don't reveal in the description itself that Y/N is a hitwoman, just keep it I am murdering and all that, that will make the readers more curious about what Y/N actually does....

Reader's interaction: 4/5
Your interaction with the readers were also good. I saw the replies and everything. Keep it up.

Plot: 10/10
It's really rare for me give someone ten, it's like me myself can't believe I have that. But your book did deserve it, it's not finished but until now it had been a great time reading your book.

Grammar and Vocabulary: 19/20
I did catch some mistakes but they were minor ones. I believe you will get better and better with time.

Plot Twists and attraction: 9/10
This has till now been very attractive for me. And believe when I say this because I don't really get impressed that quickly or satisfied but great job dude.

Emotions and Character Development: 7/10
I felt the emotions expressed could have been better. I mean I somewhat felt them but also didn't at the same time. Like, I felt then they would vanish just like that. So..make sure to improve in that.

Creativity and way of writing: 9.5/10
Your way writing and creativity is amazing. Like, great. I loved the way you wrote everything.

Opinion: 8.5/10

Total: 85.5/100


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