-Head over heels by Minsuga4evr [Rev. Nola]

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Title :: Head Over Heels

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Title :: Head Over Heels

Author :: minsuga4evr

Reviewer :: Nola ( SURREALGGUK )

I usually see the same few people commenting, but that might be because you haven’t reached many people through your book yet. However, I see that those readers are constantly commenting on your books, which means that you’ve successfully managed to keep them interested. Good job!

COVER :: 7/10
Your cover was quite pleasing to the eye, especially with the font combination and design. I found myself staring at it for no apparent reason at all, and it really drew me in right away. However, I think the two ‘LEE HEESEUNG’s at the sides can be removed, because it affects the aesthetics of the cover adversely.

I didn’t really get much information on how your story will develop or anything since only a sentence was written in the description. I get that many fanfiction authors go for descriptions like these for the aesthetically pleasing factor, but the readers need to have an impression on the book’s plot and characters. Without this first impression, their reading experience will surely be affected. Hence, I suggest you establish the characters and/or the overall events in your description to better attract readers.

TITLE :: 3/10
It’s way too common. There are tons of other books out there with the same title, and it has no special meaning to your book and its story as well. I believe a more unique title would attract more readers as the current one seems too cliche.

PLOT :: 7/10
It’s your typical rom-com plot, but I like how you wrote it. I can find plots like these everywhere on Wattpad, but your writing style, as well as the characters drew me in to read further without feeling like I was forced to. I loved the flow of the story, it was appropriate and fitting for a book with the rom-com like theme. I enjoyed the plot as well, and liked how you added your own twist to it, i.e. the whole ‘Jisung’ thing, which is something one wouldn’t usually expect from books like these. Good job with the plot, I’m sure you’ll be able to reach out to tons of readers’ hearts!

Again, I’m really impressed with your grammar. This is the highest score I’ve given anyone for grammar because I’m just so strict with my standard, but your book amazed me. Other than the use of informal English, i.e. “cause”, everything else is fine. Good job!

I was pretty convinced that this was going to be just another ‘wrong number’ fiction that I could find everywhere on Wattpad, but Yuri faking that her name was Jisung spiced everything up and kept me interested in reading, and for the first time in forever I was genuinely interested in reading further without feeling like I was forced to continue reading because it was my job.

This is something I’ve noticed since the beginning of the fiction. I believe that characters should have unique texting styles to give their characters more depth. Currently, your characters have almost identical texting styles, and it feels like you didn’t really give much thought into them. I’m sure the word ‘what’ has tons of other possible spellings besides ‘wut’, right?

About Yuri’s mother’s character, it seems baffling to me that on one hand she mocks Yuri’s deceased parents and talks about how Yuri isn’t her daughter, but asserts dominance by stating that she is Yuri’s mother on the other hand. I think Yuri’s mother’s character needs some work, perhaps more work than the other characters to make her seem more realistic and not lifeless.

Other than that, though, I was able to see and feel the gradual change in Yuri’s attraction towards Heeseung, as well as Heeseung’s attraction towards Yuri, or ‘Jisung’. In fact, I almost forgot I was reviewing the book because I felt like I picked this book to read myself and was reading it as a reader and not a reviewer. Good job!

I don’t have any problems with your writing style. I can’t really comment much either, since quite some parts of the story is written in text format. However, I think the chapters’ start and end were appropriate, the paragraphing was fine, and the way you expressed the flow of the story was good as well. Good job!

OPINION :: 8/10
This book has the potential to do well, if the characters’ personalities are improved. I suggest that you think in their position, and put a lot more thought into your characters to give them life and make them more vibrant, especially in the texting aspect, since your book focuses a lot on this.

I enjoyed the book. Although the characters need more work, I did feel something from them, and that’s really rare in books nowadays. The plot was fine too, and your own twist made everything better. I hope this review helped, and I wish you all the best in your writing journey!

TOTAL SCORE :: 67/100

TOTAL SCORE :: 67/100

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