-Destination reached by imacrazyangel13 [Rev. Anika]

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Book Name: Destination Reached

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Book Name: Destination Reached

Author: imacrazyangel13

Reviewer: (Anika) FrozenHeartsGalaxy 

Cover: 01/05

The cover is plain and simple. There is no creativity or something that could attract the reader's eyes. Even the width and length of the cover is wrong, seeing how the title got cropped. There is no Author's name. In every book, the first important thing is the cover, it is the first thing that catches the reader's eyes so you need to put effort in it. The wing portrayed the travelling plot so it matches the mood.

Title: 01/05

The title is not unique nor does it sound like a title of a book. Yes, it does match the plot but I suggest change in some way that could make the readers stop by.

Synopsis: 8/10

The description is too long, it reveals about the plot, traits of character's personality and their purpose. The info is too much but in this case I believe it was a good way to urge the readers to read the book because putting all the info together the story looks interesting and still made me curious enough to find out what happened next.

Execution: 5/10

I suggest giving titles to your story parts instead of the character's name for POV. You can give heading at the beginning of chapter to let the readers know whose POV it is this time with bold letters. This is important because the readers wouldn't be able to find a specific chapter if they want to re-read it again. Overall, every aspect of the story is amazing.

Plot: 15/20

The plot seems common at first, the main character bump into each other during travel but the small events and incidents connecting the plot made the story look different, interesting and something new from others. I would say, the characters especially enhanced the story here.

Writing Style: 17/20

The details of Jake's observation is so admirable. The writing style made me get immersed in the story completely. I love how you describe things without making it cliche or boring. The narration is very detailed and well-explained, I'm in love with it. But sometimes there were long paragraphs with no line breaks. Also make sure to improve the text messaging part, the messages of the receiver should be in the right align.

Grammar & Vocabulary: 15/20

There was no grammatical mistake but in early chapters the vocabulary was hard to read. Later on, I don't know if I got used to it or your writing style improved, for example: chapter 1, "Sure we'd always kind of had that will they won't they thing going on that all girl and boy best friends have"

I rarely found any spelling mistakes, I will mention two below for you to fix it.

Chapter 1,

You had to when your older sister was jumping out of (tress) to see if she could fly

Chapter 4,

I saw the way her fingernails dug (inot) her seat cushion

Characters & Development: 9/10

The characters are quite interesting, they made the story very entertaining. I laughed and enjoyed reading every single character's interaction with one another. Their inner-thoughts revealed about themselves in perfect timings because usually it gets boring when too many things get uncovered to the readers at once but this was different. I thought it would look unrealistic when Sophia would get out of her comfort zone too soon and easily with Jake on the airplane but you spun it so skillfully proving me wrong and making their newly bonding reasonable.

Total: 71/100

Total: 71/100

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