-My arrogant byuntae by 123lolly_tae [Rev. Anika]

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Book Name: My Arrogant Byuntae

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Book Name: My Arrogant Byuntae

Author: 123Lolly_tae

Reviewer: Anika 

Cover: 0/05

The cover is not attractive nor eye-catching at all. The image of idols and the way they are positioned isn't appealing. The size and style of fonts don't suit. The author's name isn't even there to avoid chances of Plagiarism, there are many armys who use the nickname "tete". Covers are the first thing that catch reader's eyes but this is messy and doesn't urge readers to read the book.

Title: 2/05

The title usually gives a glimpse of the story so I advise you to use English words because most of the readers don't know korean words. They won't understand what that means so you can't catch their attention this way. The title is based on the female protagonist's personality rather than plot. It is somehow appropriate for the story.

Synopsis: 3/10

There is an "i" capitalization mistake and usage of punctuations is very less. The summary about the plot is attention-grabbing and intriguing but not the dialogues above it. What the female protagonist said wasn't that shocking to make their jaw drop. There is a spelling mistake too, its "clenching" Everyone judges the story with a description and a catchy description is what pulls the readers into the story, if you fix your writing style with logical dialogues and reaction then it will surely look attractive.

Execution: 3/10

The pace of the story was too rushed. You need to put more effort in every aspect of this book whether it's the title, cover, blurb, writing style and the storyline. Every event and incident connecting the plot should be interesting and logical as well, otherwise the readers will definitely lose their interest. Many of them were interesting but I think the writing style ruined the mood.

Plot: 15/20

The plot is rare, interesting and intriguing. The storyline is still at the exposition phase so there aren't any plot twists, suspense or drama yet.

Writing Style: 5/20

There aren't many descriptions of appearance, emotions, reactions, place etc. Readers feel and imagine everything you write so make sure to write details to create a better imagination of the world or scenario in their mind. The usage of necessary punctuation in your entire book is very less. The paragraphs are very short, most of them are just dialogue with small action tags due to which the pace looks very fast.

Grammar & Vocabulary: 5/20


Chapter 1,

(Im) a feminist 

Reviewer: Add Apostrophe between I'm

Chapter 1,

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