-The truth untold by jiminiesponytail [Rev. Riya]

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Book Name: The Truth Untold

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Book Name: The Truth Untold

Author: jiminiesponytail

Reviewer: Riya

Title: 7/10

The title was nice. But I would have appreciated something more different, beacuse giving the book a name of the song, is quite is usual. I would have liked it more if you would have done something more creative and it would have been your very own.

Cover: 8/10

The book cover was beautiful, aesthetic. I liked it.

Description: 2/5

I don't know what exactly to say about the description. To be honest, it didn't turn out to be that interesting. Like, I didn't get curious to read it. It could have been more interesting, something was missing.......and maybe that's for you to find out

Reader's interaction: 0/5

Can't say anything about it. There are no comments on the book. 

Plot: 7/10

Tbh, the plot was a little bit cliche for me. I had read the books like that, so it didn't came out as a surprise for me. I really don't have a lot to say because the story hasn't gone that far, but I can say that you kept me hooked and it was a good point but we can always be better.

Grammar and Vocabulary: 19/20

Your vocabulary and grammar were really amazing. I didn't see any flaw in that. But I cut one marks off so that you improve and try to be better and maybe best someday.

Plot twists and attraction: 0/10

It's just the starting so I haven't come across any plot twists so I can't say much about it and that is why I also didn't give you marks.

Emotions and Character development: 6/10

about emotions, they were quiet good to READ ONLY, I couldn't feel them and if the reader cannot fele the emotions you put into your book, then that's a really bad thing. While expressing the emotions, make sure to write it the way that the reader would feel it. If we bread something romantic, we must feel those butterflies in out stomach and if character is crying we must feel like crying too. You have to improve a lot in this sector, honey.

I didn't see any character development as it's only the starting so...can't really say a lot about it. 

Creativity and way of writing: 6/10

I liked the way you write a little actually. It's interesting, I enjoyed it but about the creative part, I only gave you 2 marks, because at some parts I felt yoiz were creative, you were really creative but at some parts I felt it could have been more creative, the line or dialogue could have been more beautiful, more meaningful, but sadly, at some parts I didn't see that beauty, that creativity. 

Opinion: 7/10

The enjoyed reading the chapters, though there were not much, but I can say that yeah...they were good but you need to improve and pay attention to the parts I pointed out. I tell this to everyone that always try to be better, not for me, not for your readers, but for yourself. Always keep improving. And never lose hope, you have a long way to go girl.

Total: 62/100

Total: 62/100

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