A Mob Boss's Heirs (Book 3 of...

נכתב על ידי royal888

1.6M 73.5K 19.1K

Fiction Awards Winner in 2017 & Crystal Awards Winner 2016 Please read this book after Book... עוד

Author's Note
Family Tree - Spolier Alert
1. Faith Must Be Accepted
2. Sibling Troubles
3. Home Sweet Home
4. Intense Young Rosarios (Part 1)
5. Intense Young Rosarios (Part2)
6. A Typical Sunday
7. Contrast Within Family Life
8. Girls Vs. Boys (Part 1)
9. Girls Vs. Boys (Part 2)
10. Tough Love
11.Fighting Spirits & Ambitions
12. Early Encounters
13. A Common Room
14. Tough Options
15. Science Project
16. Chaotic Mess
17. Tension in The Air
18. Teenage Challenges
19. Trouble Not Over
20. Messing With The Wrong One
21. Temperamental
22. Reality Is Tough
23. Forbidden Love
24. Standing Out From The Rest
25. Unbelievable Lessons
26. Drama in Lesson (Part 1)
27. Drama In Lesson (Part 2)
28. An Eventful Session
29. Tough Teenage Life
30. Parental Power
31. Family Moments
32. Teenage Wrath
33. Coming On Hard
34. The Aftermath
35. Teenage Distress
36. Talking To Him
37. Complicated Lessons
38. The Art Room
39. An Evening With Him
40. Boys Are Boys
42. Getting There Slowly
43. Strong Jealousy
44. Confessions (Part 1)
45. Confessions (Part 2)
46. Teenage Impatience
47. Teenage Desires
48. Getting Breathless
49. Teenage Drama
50. Warm Glow Inside
51. Parental Love
52. Heart Felt Remorse
53. His Beauty Is His Only
54. Fury In Her Gorgeous Eyes
55. Loving Her His Way
56. Power In Their Hands
57. Military Disciplinary Moments
58. His Style Of Loving Her
59. Defeat Can Turn Into Triumph One Day
60. Power Of Authority
61. Power Of Diplomacy
62. At The Zone
63. The Heirs Plotting
64. The House Of Giovanni (Part 1)
65. The House Of Giovanni (Part 2)
66. The House Of Giovanni (Part 3)
67. The House Of Giovanni (Part 4)
68. The House Of Giovanni (Part 5)
69. Cruelty Hours
70. Survival Camp Hours (Part 1)
71. Survival Camp Hours (Part 2)
72. Count Down Starts
73. The Interrogation
74. The Interrogation Heat
75. Watching Stars
76. A Couple At Last
77. Back To School As A Couple
78. Strictly Forbidden
79. Cousins At Their Dinner
80. Rosario Mansion
81. Offense is a good Defense
82. His Cousin
83. Her Heavenly Presence
84. Heirs Dreams
85. Rulers Rule
86. Taking Him on
87. Actions Have Consequences
88. Truce Can't Prevent Defeat
89. His Father's Words
90. An Heir's Conflict
91. Justice & Sweetness
92. A Sister's Duty
93. A Confrontation
94. Cake Rhymes With Snake
95. Loyalty To The Beloved
96. Loving the Outsider
97. A Dance & SleepOver (Part 1)
98. A Dance & SleepOver (Part 2)
99. A dance & SleepOver (Part 3)
100. A Dance & SleepOver (Part 4)
101. Forget Me Not
102. A Covenant
103. The Past Times
104. Watching Her
105. Belonging
106. Sleepless Night
107. Long Night
108. Morning Heart To Heart
109. Destined For An Heir
110. His Possesive Eyes
111. Milan Calling
112. His Return
113. His Strictness
114. Touching His Heart
115. A Kiss Worth Waiting For
116. An O'Neil's Ultimatum
117. Secrets In His Heart
118. A memory of the past
119. Wanting It Badly Enough
120. The Beast Unleashed
121. War Path Challenge
122. The Prom ( Part 1)
123. The Prom ( Part 2)
124. The Prom (Part 3)
125. The Prom (Part 4)
126. The Prom (Part 5)
127. The Prom (Part 6)
128. The Prom (Part 7)
129. The Prom (Part 8)
130. The Prom (Part 9)
131. The Prom (Part 10)
132. The Prom (Part 11)
133. Harsh Lessons

41. Teenage Worries

11K 522 37
נכתב על ידי royal888

Francesco was finishing off his work in his office ready to go to his bedroom to sleep. It had been a long day. He smiled in amusement at the events of that night at dinner time. His son was truly a special case. He had made him win a bet with Adele which he was really going to exploit. The look Adele had given their son was priceless when she had heard. He knew Vincenzo could find himself a girl to bring home one day. He was persistent and never gave up.

Francesco walked out of his office and decided to check on his children before the went to bed. Sometimes after long days at work, he felt the need to see them before bed. He had cut short dinner time to make some phone calls and when he didn't have the chance to catch up with his children at dinner, he made up for it. He just had to see them before they slept to see if they needed anything or they had anything on their mind that bothered them.

Francesco knocked on Vincenzo's door first. He spoke "Its me son. Do not set your alarm system on me."

Vicnenzo's chuckle came from inside "Come in father. Its safe. I just disabled it."

Francesco came inside his room with a smile. He closed the door and watched his son still sitting at his desk reading "Shouldn't you be in bed son?"

Vincenzo spoke " I will go to bed in a few minutes. How are you father?"

Francesco smiled as he walked around his room " I hope you haven't installed anything life threatening in this room."

Vincenzo shrugged "Well, everything is off so don't worry father."

Francesco walked to his son and leaned against his desk as he put his hand on Vincenzo's shoulder who was sitting down looking up into his eyes "Is there anything you would like to tell me about what happened with Letizia today?"

Vincenzo stated "I tutored her. That's about it."

Francesco spoke " Oh, you did alot more than that, I bet.... You impressed her parents without meeting them. I am impressed with you. Letizia's father just called...."

Vincenzo frowned "What did he want?"

Francesco stated " Nothing much. He just complimented you non stop. According to him, I have raised an honourable son who understands the challenges that the society poses to young girls. Apparently you gave a very thoughtful gift to his daughter that can fight off hoodlooms who may want to hurt his daughter. He has given his blessing for you to hang out with her when you want. He said you are welcome to his home any time. He told me what you had built for her. Its a thoughtful gift according to him and his wife. So if you want to ask her out for ice cream, I bet he wont say no...."

Vincenzo laughed "Father, my idea of a date is not a trip to the ice cream parlour."

Francesco sighed "Of course it isn't... Is there anything else you would like to tell me son? Is all well in school?"

Vincenzo nodded "Yes father. All is well. Thanks for asking."

Francesco smiled and nodded. He was satisfied with his response so he walked away "Good night son. Don't stay up too late."

Vicnenzo smiled as he watched his father leave "Good night father."

As Francesco left, he closed the door and took a deep breath. He didn't know for how long he could have such simple conversations with his children in his manner. His children were growing up fast and the control over them that he had could be slowly slipping away. Especially he knew it was a matter of time before Vincenzo went his own way. He was strong willed and independent. He knew he was going to miss these days when he was just a teenager.

Francesco went to see his second eldest son next. He knocked on the door "Its me Viggo."

Viggo spoke "Come in father."

Francesco entered and saw his son lying in his bed with a book in his hand. He walked towards his bed "Are you alright son?"

Viggo spoke "Yes father." He then put his book away and put his hand behind his head "Is there something the matter father?"

Francesco couldn't hide his concerns. He had a hard look in his eyes. He knew something was wrong with his younger son. He sat on a chair opposite Viggo and looked at him "You tell me Viggo."

Viggo spoke " I don't know father."

Francesco crossed his arms over his chest staring viggo down. He was trying to think what could be bothering his son that he may have observed but had missed. It couldn't be something happening at their home. It must have been to do with school. " How is school?"

Viggo nodded "Fine."

Francesco sighed. He had worked so hard all his life but not for himself. He had worked hard and was continuing to work hard for his family. He wanted them to feel at peace. He wanted them to be happy. He couldn't stand the thought of them feeling troubled and hiding it from him. It was hard to get his children to open up. They were teenagers. Getting confessions out of them was like trying to draw blood out of a stone. They needed their space and he allowed it for them. Now he could see that his son was troubled and could see how defensive he was. He knew it was hard to get the truth out of him but it was not impossible.

Francesco could threaten his son of consequences of lying to him but he didn't want to use that threat now. Sometimes Francesco actually hated threatening his children with discipline but that was the only language the teenagers understood these days. Times were changing. He had to be extra strict with his children mostly because of Vincenzo. His eldest son was hard to control forcing Francesco to be extra strict with all his children to stop Vincenzo from going too far and make him understand the boundaries. In the process he felt that regretfully he may have had created some distance with his children. He tried to make sure he was the first point of contact when they felt stressed or troubled. He had control over them in that sense for years but recently as they had become teenagers, he was feeling like all was starting to slip away. But he was going to fight hard to make sure his children felt safe enough to be open with him and were comfortable enough to approach him. But he knew it was becoming harder to guarantee success.

Francesco shook his head "Viggo. You cant hide your distress from me son. I know something is bothering you."

Viggo swallowed hard and looked away under his father's hard stare. He really wanted to hide his face under the blanket feeling unease. What if his father read his mind? Maybe he should have come clean now to avoid getting punished for lying on top of loving the enemy. But he couldn't possibly tell his father the truth. He couldn't tell him he wanted to ask Angelia to the prom and had to listen to other boys asking her left and right when he was in school. She hadn't said yes to anyone but it was not easy not being able to walk upto those boys and telling them to back off his girl. How could he? Now his father wanted him to come clean. How could he tell his father that he was in love with a girl who's father was an Andovini and her mother was a Gustavo. They were his father's enemies.

Francesco warned "Viggo. Look at me son."

Viggo took a deep breath and looked into his father's eyes. He had to tell the truth but maybe could bend it. "Father.... when did the feud with the Andovinis and Gustavos start?"

Francesco was taken back " That started a long time ago son? Is that what's bothering you? I doubt that..."

Viggo pushed on "Father... could you ever make peace with those families?"

Francesco sighed in frustration "Son. That old feud should not be a concern of yours... I asked you what is bothering you? You cant tell me this is the issue?"

Viggo nodded and whispered "It is father..."

Francesco raised an eyebrow "It makes no sense son. You know of this feud for a long time. I do not understand why it is bothering you now..... But to answer your question son, I can not make peace. This is a kind of nemesis that only can be resolved by whoever started it. It wasn't me who started it."

Viggo asked carefully " Who started it."

Francesco sighed "My father.... Now tell me... Does this mean you will start acting like yourself and will get your livelihood back when we are training in the morning and at dinner now that you know these answers?"

Viggo gulped. He wasn't allowed to lie. He could only bend it. This was it... He gathered up courage and looked at his father " There is something else .... I need to ask you..... I know a Rosario who wants to ask an Andovini out to a prom. What would happen to him if he asks her to the prom?"

Francesco didn't expect to be asked such question but he didn't think much of it "Son. I am assuming you are referring to that kickboxing star of your school Angelia. I have seen her pictures with her trophies in parent's newsletters non stop in the past year or two. Is it her that the Rosario in question wants to ask to the prom? Then in that case, the Rosario would get a good kick into where Angelia wishes and have to go on their merry way. Any thing else that bothers you son?"

Viggo was surprised at the answer " But... doesn't it start a war?"

Francesco spoke " She would say no..."

Viggo didn't expect his father to be so composed "But what if she says yes? What are the consequences?"

Francesco frowned "Alot of consequences will rise son. Rosarios are enemies of Andovinis. Your uncle Antonio knows well about what would happen next. He pulled a stunt like that..."

Viggo gasped "He has asked an Andovini out?" He couldn't believe it. Could that be true that it had been done before?

Francesco stated "Son, of course he has. I think you know enough about your uncle Antonio's reputation. He is the president of Parent's network at your school for a reason. Next time its Parents-Teacher meeting weekend, take a look closely at your uncle Antonio's interaction with the parents.... He has dated many girls from various crime families. One of them was an Andovini that he dated on one occasion only. But lets say after he took her out that one time, the consequences caused him to make friends with Hollywood actresses and singers from then onwards. He was less inclined to date criminal family members after he asked an Andovini out on a dare."

Viggo asked the dreaded question " So he got to live? How?.."

Francesco nodded and spoke matter of factly "Of course son... Rosarios protect one of their own. Naturally, there were consequences. The Andovini family took this as a sign of disrespect and a chain of events followed that could be avoided if your uncle Antonio hadn't done what he did. Besides, your uncle Antonio was hardly sixteen at the time. When a minor gets involved, the rules are different. Children can not normally do any irreversible damage that cant be fixed in any way like how adults might do but there are always consequences son. Your uncle Antonio was punished enough to deter him from pursuing any criminals as his companions in future for a while. It was just dancers, singers and Hollywood ladies for a long time in his circle of lady friends."

Viggo went into deep thoughts.... He was almost hopeful. So, could it be that he could actually ask Angelia Andovini to a prom and no one died because of it?

Francesco spoke "Son..... Are all your questions answered? Is there something else on your mind?"

Viggo breathed out "No father...". He visibly relaxed. Now that he knew, he wasn't the first Rosario to have such intentions, it made him feel better

Francesco stood up "Really? I hope so .... Either way, tomorrow in school, go tell that Rosario who is thinking of disobeying orders and is asking for trouble to go to your uncle Antonio for more guidance. There are serious consequences if we associate with our enemies. I don't have all the answers son. The mayhem your uncle caused, happened two decades ago. No one has tried it since.. A nemesis is a nemesis son. Actions have consequences...But, don't worry son. I wont pursue this further. No crime has been committed so I won't try to investigate....Does this put your mind at ease? You can talk to me son. I am here for your questions. Next time anything is troubling you, I don't want to have to be chasing you..."

Viggo nodded his head "I am sorry father..."

Francesco sighed "if you don't get back to your cheerful self tomorrow, then we will have this talk again son and I may have a different approach then..." He then walked to his son and kissed his forehead "Good night son..."

Viggo sighed in relief "Good night father."

Francesco smiled at his son and walked out. At least, he had managed to get some words out of his son. He was going to watch over his son. He didn't see why his son was so distressed.

The thought of Viggo fancying an Anovini never crossed Francesco's mind. Viggo was the model son. He was obedient. He was more respectful of the rules compared to Vincenzo. Francesco then walked to the last stop before he went to bed. he knocked on his daughter's room. "Vienna. Its me."

Vienna was seated on her bed drawing in her sketch book when his father knocked. She quickly put away the sketch book and laid down beneath the covers as she answered "Come in father."

Francesco entered and closed the door. "Vienna, is all well with you?" He walked to the bed and then sat down at the edge of the bed.

Vienna smiled "Of course father... Are you well?"

Francesco leaned close and kissed her forehead. He then pulled away and took a good look at his beautiful princess. He was willing to die for her a thousand times. It made his blood boil when he thought of how boys in her school could have eyes for his daughter. Why did she have to grow up so fast? She was her mother's daughter, an innocent beautiful angel. He had his sons to protect her. Now that Tristan had fallen for his daughter, it had become both a curse and a blessing. He knew from the day that he was blessed with a daughter, that this day was going to come. She was going to be pursued by many suitors and he knew he was not going to like it. Now that Tristan was the one after his daughter, he was relieved and concerned at the same time. Tristan was an honest kid. He was raised by Emanuelle. But it didn't mean, Francesco was at ease. It was not easy to realise his daughter had become old enough to attend a prom. This could not be happening.... But he knew this was reality. It was matter of time before Vienna was exposed to this teenage world of the 1970s. In his day, times were different. Life was simpler. It was easier to protect your daughter... But now young people had changed. The youth had a mind of their own. He knew he couldn't stop Vienna if she really wanted to hang out with Tristan. He was going to leave the choice to his daughter what she wanted to do. But damn right he was going to watch Tristan and he was going to make sure he questioned him about his responsibilities to assess how mature he was. The young man needed to know his expectations.

Francesco came out of his thoughts. "I am well, when I see you are well Vienna. I just wanted to say good night."

Vienna smiled "Thank you father."

Francesco reached his hand over and stroked her hair "Is everything alright with you and your brothers? Are they treating you well? Are they watching over you in school?"

Vienna nodded "Of course father.... Everything is fine. Vincenzo and Viggo are always watching over me."

Francesco sighed and thought to himself "What would I do without you?" He then smiled and leaned close. He kissed her forehead and gently whispered "Sleep tight then. Dont ever be afraid of anything. You are a Rosario.... You can tell me anything, angel. Will you promise, you will tell me if anything upsets you in school and your brothers cant resolve it for you?"

Vienna nodded with a smile "Don't worry father. All is well. Thank you..."

Francesco smiled warmly at his daughter and left the bedroom closing the door gently.

Vienna did have alot on her mind. But there was nothing on her mind that her father could help her with. At the art room that day, she had felt like a barrier had been broken down. She now could look at Tristan with more confidence. She wasn't embarrassed anymore when she looked at him but he made her nervous and the feeling of fear didn't go away completely. She was too tired so she fell sleep quickly. The next time she opened her eyes, it was morning and a nightmare had woken her up. A nightmare about Tristan. She had dreamt that she had drawn Tristan's portrait and he didn't like it. She was hoping it didn't come true. She went for her morning run and started getting dressed for breakfast. She wondered what Tristan was upto at that time. Was he thinking of her like how she was?

Tristan indeed had Vienna on his mind at that moment. Tristan was in his bedroom getting dressed for school. He had done his morning exercise and had his morning shower. He was hoping today was as productive as yesterday and he could convince Vienna to get closer to him. He had dreamt of her last night. A nice dream that put a smile on his face.

After getting dressed, he left his room to go see his mother about Trent before breakfast. His mother who had a separate office to their father woke up early morning to work on her business plans as Tristan, Trent and their father did their morning exercise. So Tristan knew where to find her.

Tristan knocked on his mother's door and muttered " Can I come in." He had to let her know who it was. She didn't open the door even to their father sometimes especially if they had one of those arguments the night before. They always made up after they fought but it was an brutal war when they fought.

Sancia called out " Come in Tristan."

Tristan entered quietly and closed the door behind him. He walked to his mothers desk " Good morning."

Sancia was reading files on her desk and making notes. She looked up " Sit down and state why you are here before breakfast?"

Tristan sat down opposite her desk " I need to ask why Trent isn't allowed to stay after school today?"

Sancia shook her head " I told him no and no means no Tristan. He can't stay behind school today."

Tristan stated " Why are you trying to ruin his possible career in investing in Hollywood mother?"

Sancia laughed " What are you talking about son?"

Tristan spoke " Azurine has a golden chance of getting accepted in film school master class this summer to work on sets of big budget movies. She is identified as one of the top students in film directing. She would get a Hollywood sponsored scholarship... By not allowing Trent to stay behind to help her with paper work, his name won't be on her work. So guess who would miss out on getting considered as assistant director to her to get the same benefits as her?"

Sancia stated " He is only helping her out with some not so important paper work. That can be done later... I have no idea why you are making a big deal about this?"

Tristan shook his head " He didn't tell you what type of paper work I bet. That's the paper work that needs to be sent off ASAP. If Trent helps her out, his name is part of the producers and Azurine's personnel. Azurine will win awards and get Hollywood recognition and so will her assistants. You will deny Trent many opportunities by not allowing him to stay with her today because if he doesn't do it, she will pick someone else to do it. That's right. Trent did not volunteer. He was selected by Azurine and he promised to be there. It's your choice mother. You don't want an invite to Hollywood sets I bet then. As a minor, if Trent gets into that master class with Azurine you will go too. Azurine is filling out an application form for that master class today after school and would name everyone on her team who work behind the scenes. Since her drama production will be a success she would get accepted. Azurine knows what she is doing. If Trent doesn't go, he won't be named as her assistant. Your choice mother. Do what you wish." He then got up and walked away towards the door.

Sancia sighed and thought deeply as Tristan's words hit her hard. She definitely wanted Hollywood investments with big name studios besides she hardly ever refused her eldest son anything. He never asked anything from her unless he felt strongly about it. If this was so important to him to come to her, she was to show flexibility " That's fine then..... He can stay after school today. Also, I will ask Azurine if she needs any extra facilities to make her production better too. You are right Tristan. Well Trent didn't tell me what was at stake.... I will tell him at breakfast he can stay on after school. But wait .... I need to talk to you..."

Tristan turned around as his hand was on the door knob " Yes mother."

Sancia asked " How is it going with Vienna?"

Tristan stated " We are doing fine. Thanks for asking mother."

Sancia asked "Are you sure son?"

Tristan sighed " Mother... I honestly don't wish to discuss this. Vienna and I are fine. I will see you at breakfast." He then walked out before his mother got any ideas. He really didn't want his mother to get involved at all. He was certain, she was surely going to scare Vienna off if she tried to interfere in any way.

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