Extra: Sexy Books Time

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Edited by Kuro_Kama

Slight NSFW


After meeting Ian's parents, Ian and Calvin found a nice apartment for them to live in together. They were happy but Calvin was thinking about one thing.

'Is Ian asexual...?' Calvin thought to himself for half the day. They had been dating for a year and lived together for months but Ian hadn't touched him once. They kissed, hugged, cuddled, but they haven't even given each other hand jobs or anything like that. He wanted to ask but he had no idea how to bring it up. He knew that folks who were asexual just didn't feel sexual attraction, not that they couldn't have sex, but he didn't want to do anything that Ian was not in the mood to do. He also didn't mind having a limited amount of sex as there were plenty of ways to give himself pleasure, but he would have liked it if Ian at least told him. Communication was very important in any relationship and he didn't want to be left in the dark like this...

Calvin bought a lot of stuff like lube, condoms, dental dams, and dildos. He also thought that if Ian wasn't asexual, he was into BDSM. Ian probably didn't want to scare him. So, Calvin brought it upon himself to dip his toe into this realm. He wanted to be prepared.

He hid everything and made sure that System 225, who was obviously reluctant, guarded the secret stash.

Calvin decided that he would talk to Ian during or after movie night...


Ian and Calvin were watching a rom-com that portrayed a young mother struggling to make ends meet. The woman had a child with a man when they were in their teens and almost had to drop out of school. In the end, the man left the woman and the woman had to struggle as a single mother before finding a rich sugar daddy and then lived happily ever after. The end.

Calvin didn't understand this kind of plot at all. Was it to raise hope for the young single mothers that their prince charming was out there? It was illogical to him. He wondered if the writers of the movie were brain-dead.

Seeing the direction of the plot, he tuned it out and looked over at Ian. Ian seemed to be intently watching the movie. He wondered what thoughts were going through that head while watching this kind of movie.

In fact, Ian thought the producers were sleep-deprived writing a story like this. The story was better off depicting the struggles of being a single mother and showing how much she had to endure before finally reaching the end of her struggle whether it was by going back to school to further her education and career, or by getting a job that helped her reach higher. The woman in the story seemed so much more capable without a rich and handsome male lead. And if they wanted a bit of romance, they could have made it a mysterious end where you see the new lover at the end. Maybe even paving the way for a sequel?

But it was a rom-com so he couldn't complain too much.

Sensing Calvin's stare, Ian turned to him. "Everything alright? Don't like the movie?"

"Nope. Why did we even pick a rom-com for today?"

"Well, we watched movies from many genres and you wanted to try something new."

"I regret it," Calvin whined as he leaned up against Ian and wrapped his arms around Ian's waist. His face was placed on Ian's stomach. "Let's do something different."

"What do you want to do?" Ian felt the heat moving to his crotch. It took a lot of willpower to not get erect. His baby was too cute.

Calvin looked up and smiled. He realized it was definitely the time to ask Ian if he was asexual. He got up and sat on Ian's lap. Calvin placed his hands on Ian's face and gave him a quick peck.

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