Labyrinth (8)

545 27 1

Edited by: Kuro and Lille


Once they all rested up, the group headed to the labyrinth to challenge it once more.

The plan was to train Andrea, Felicia, and Lamine from floors 1-20 without leaving the labyrinth. Grey had already bought enough food for 2 months since he was the designated luggage carrier. It shouldn't take more than 2 weeks to get to floor 20, but if they fell through another hole, they would have more food prepared.

Reyner would still tank in the front, but Andrea, Felicia, and Lamine would be the only ones actively attacking to get their levels up higher. Andrea and Lamine were on level 19, and Felicia was on level 17. They didn't get a lot of EXP from the monsters on the lower floors because of their level and their lack of contribution. At most, they got ¼ of the experience points Grey got.

The experience system was weird. If a person was within 10 levels above or below a monster, they would get the maximum amount of exp. Anything further than that and the experience points were tremendously cut, which was why people were always on the move. They can't fight the same monsters at the same level forever.

As Grey was resting in the labyrinth city, Ebrose, he tried to gather information on the lower floors of the labyrinth. The majority of the information he got was that no one had ever made it to floor 40, the bottom floor. Even high-level veterans had lost their lives in this labyrinth. After losing 20 or so high-level adventurers within a year, the consensus was to avoid going further than floor 20 no matter what level you were on.

Those who went past floor 20 never made it out alive. This was something he had confirmed with hundreds of adventurers and residents of Ebrose.

As for why? He had no idea. There were no living adventurers that had made it out alive.

He would find out when he got there.

"Are you all ready?" Grey said as they stood outside the entrance of the labyrinth's cave.

Andrea looked over at everyone nodding their heads so he answered for them, "We are ready."

"Just as we have planned, we won't be leaving this labyrinth until we get to floor 20. We can get treasure chests this time, but we have to triple-check to make sure it isn't a trap. Also, no more running off alone, understood?"

They responded to him, "Understood!"

"Alright, let's get going."

Edwin led the way into the labyrinth. From then, it was intense training for the lower level members...


Grey trained Andrea, Felicia, Lamine, and Micah for two weeks. When they safely made it out of the labyrinth, they were around levels 27-29. Micah leveled up to 34 though. During this time, they also practiced how to battle as a team. Through countless battles, they were finally able to read each other's movements and accommodate those around them. It made for easier and quicker battles.

When they left the labyrinth, they rested near the entrance. They were exhausted but happy that they made it out of the labyrinth alive. Plus, they felt stronger than ever.

"To think that Teacher Edwin was knowledgeable not only in healing and medicine but also in combat," Andrea said while looking at Edwin with respect and admiration. It was a huge change from when they were in the labyrinth the first time around.

Even Felicia felt her fears die down. She saw Edwin as her magic instructor from the moment he taught her how to efficiently use magic. She didn't even realize that she was using excessive amounts!

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