Famous Author (2)

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Edited by: Kuro and Lille


"I'm sorry but you aren't what I'm looking for in an editor."

"Your editing style is like... if a middle schooler wanted to edit a research paper."

"I don't mean to be rude, but you've said 'radical' 5 times in a context that I just don't understand, so I don't think you are fit to be my editor."

The longer he went through the interviews, the worse the quality of the editors. It's like the company had given up! Where did they even find these people? In what hole? He would be working with the editor. If the editor was not to his liking, why would he complete his deadlines? He thought maybe one of the editors would be his future lover, aka God System, but none of them were him, so he was getting irritated.

Many editors left with sullen moods as they were shot down by Calvin. It was a little frustrating but he needed someone who was capable and motivated, most of these people looked like they hated their jobs as editors.

Calvin was going to be typing up stories really fast, so he needed someone who could keep up with his momentum. Though he may have to grab a few more editors to be safe.

Then a young-looking woman walked in. She had curly dark brown hair and light brown eyes. She had a cute smile, but her face was considered a bit average in the eyes of society. To Calvin, she was cute. She wore light makeup to not seem too gaudy. She wore professional office attire and had her hair up in a messy style bun. It looked good on her. She could probably pass for an 18-year-old, but looking at her resume, he knew she was 27.

Her name was Lucy Diaz and she was the female protagonist of this world.

'System, wasn't she in the company that James moved into?'

[Answering Host, she hasn't moved yet. If she is unsuccessful in finding an author in a few more days, she will quit her job at the company you are at and move over to that other company.]

'Why hasn't she been able to become an editor for any authors?'

[As a female protagonist, she brings a lot of trouble. There are times when she is late because she is helping someone, and she gets caught up in drama even though she wasn't originally a part of it. She's also...]

'Also what?'

[A person who has crippling anxiety like the original Calvin. She's nice and has a good personality though. She is also very book-smart.]

Calvin lifted his eyebrow as he looked through her resume and talked to System 225. Her resume was good. She was overqualified as an editor and had a multitude of certifications and training. She had two bachelor's degrees in Literature and Biology with a minor in chemistry. All in all, she was a successful woman with a bright career on her shoulders. If she were to become a medical doctor, he wouldn't be surprised. Why did she become an editor?

"Your resume looks really good, but I have a question for you," Calvin said as he finally looked up and saw her.

She was super nervous and looked like she had already given up on being an editor for Calvin.

Calvin felt like he was bullying her just by looking at her face. It was definitely that dang protagonist halo in effect.

He sighed. "I didn't mean it in a rude way. I noticed that you have a degree not only in literature, but you also have a degree in biology as well as a minor in chemistry. Why did you become an editor when you could've become a medical professional? You obviously have those qualifications."

"I... Even though I do well in academics, I have no confidence in my practical skills." She bit her lip a little and looked down at her hands. They were shaking.

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